

New Member
Sep 9, 2006
how do I construct a IF... Then statement that displays a msgbox error if anything other than a number is entered into the inputbox? Example:

Sub I_Want_A_Number()

Dim num

num = InputBox("enter number")
IF num is....Then ' This is where I'm stuck at. I don't know _
' how to complete this statement.
msgbox"must enter number"
end IF

End Sub

End Sub

Function test_case(num)
Select Case grade
Case 1
MsgBox "number 1"
Case 2, 3
MsgBox "numbers 2 or 3"
Case 4 To 6
MsgBox " numbers 4, 5 or 6"
Case Is > 8
MsgBox "number is above 8"
Case Else
MsgBox "number< is not conditional statement"
End Select

End Function

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Sub I_Want_A_Number()

    Dim num
    On Error GoTo Last
    num = Application.InputBox("enter number",type:=1)
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
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Hello AllenD, welcome to the board.
First off, here's how to write what you're asking.
Sub I_Want_A_Number()

Dim num  As Long
num = InputBox("enter number")
If Not IsNumeric(num) Then
  MsgBox "must enter number"
  test_case (num)
End If

End Sub

Secondly, you can use Application.Inputbox (type1) to automatically limit the user to
numeric inputs without having to test for them. For example:
Sub I_Want_A_Number()
Dim num As Long
num = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter a number only", _
Title:="Numeric Characters Only", Type:=1)
test_case (num)
End Sub
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It's fully depends on how OP wants to set up though, I don't think
OP wants MsgBox to appear when user hit close button.
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Hi jindon,
I agree. (at least I wouldn't want it to appear then.)
Seems I get the msgbox no matter which of our codes I use.

And I see where I dim'ed num as Long in the first example.
This will generate an error if the user inputs a letter so it is best defined as a variant after all.
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