I've got a macro set up on a worksheet in workbook A, which once an hour is exporting data to a worksheet in workbook B. This is housed on a shared drive. I'm trying to set up Workbook C to have a worksheet setup that imports the data from workbook B, so that management can view hourly updates without having to check their email. I've set a query on workbook C to refresh at regular intervals to pull the updates each hour. The problem is that once workbook C refreshes, it locks workbook b preventing any further writes from workbook A. I've tried setting longer intervals between the refreshes, setting the workbook B as shared, and attempted to change the Mode in the OLE QUERY from Share Deny Right to Read. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've got a macro set up on a worksheet in workbook A, which once an hour is exporting data to a worksheet in workbook B. This is housed on a shared drive. I'm trying to set up Workbook C to have a worksheet setup that imports the data from workbook B, so that management can view hourly updates without having to check their email. I've set a query on workbook C to refresh at regular intervals to pull the updates each hour. The problem is that once workbook C refreshes, it locks workbook b preventing any further writes from workbook A. I've tried setting longer intervals between the refreshes, setting the workbook B as shared, and attempted to change the Mode in the OLE QUERY from Share Deny Right to Read. Any help would be greatly appreciated.