Hi folks! Through the help of this site i've been able to create a spreadsheet whereupon I can have my guys collect X and Y data in the field. I can then import this data into ArcMap and do with it what I must. The only drawback with this is that we currently must use hand held GPS devices to obtain the XY data and input it manually into the sheet. This practice tends to render quite a bit of human error. We do have some some tablet PCs with GPS recievers we can use to perhaps copy and paste the XY data, but these are state owned machines, therefore we may not install software on them to copy the the data from. (i.e MapPoint.) So the big question would be is there a way to persuade a cell in the spreadsheet to gather the XY data from the reciever directly? And perhaps automatically? Many Thanks.
Office 2010
ArcGis Desktop 9.3
Windows XP
Office 2010
ArcGis Desktop 9.3
Windows XP