incrementing by 1


Legacy 4302


For Each cl In [Sheet2!A1:C5]
tmpvalue = cl.value
if tmpvalue = 0 then tmpvalue=10
Worksheets("SHEET3").Cells(tmpvalue, cl.Column) = "1"
Next cl

this formula works great. Sheet 2 column A has: cell a1=2,cell a2=4,and cell a3=0 then sheet 3 column A has: a2="1", cell a4="1" and cell a10="1"
which is correct however the problem is if sheet 2 column a has:
cell a1= 3,cell a2=3 ,and a3=4
then sheet three column A should be cell a3="2" and cell a4="1"

so in other words if sheet 2 has duplicating numbers in the column then
for each instance of a duplicate number ,cl.value would have to be incremented by 1

thanks for any help


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