I'm trying to lookup a value in a table based on two criteria:
If the account number matches and the item number matches, return the purchase price - I've been using the following formula, but it's returing values that don't match and I'm not sure why...
=INDEX(range in colum containing value from results table,MATCH(item number from table in another sheet,IF(range in column contating account number from results table=account number ,range of item numbers from column in results table)))
I've entered this formula using Ctrl+Shift+Enter
Any ideas why it isn't working?
If the account number matches and the item number matches, return the purchase price - I've been using the following formula, but it's returing values that don't match and I'm not sure why...
=INDEX(range in colum containing value from results table,MATCH(item number from table in another sheet,IF(range in column contating account number from results table=account number ,range of item numbers from column in results table)))
I've entered this formula using Ctrl+Shift+Enter
Any ideas why it isn't working?