OK.My formula is as below.
So it's the INDIRECT ($B13) bit I want to play around with. I want the OFFSET to come off a cell from another sheet, which is Sheet1!A4, say. The reason I have set up this OFFSET function like this is that I have 10 tables all the same, and I can fill using this formula and change where I'm looking up just by changing B13, which is the cell which holds the offset reference.
Unfortunately I can only get this INDIRECT to work if I manually type in cell B13, and I have to TYPE Sheet1!A4. This is not a formula, it is text. Obviously it doesn't update when I add/remove rows/columns in Sheet1 which is a pain. What I'm really wanting is a formula which gives as its result, a formula. This will then be used as the INDIRECT reference for the offset function. I have tried playing around with ADDRESS but can't really figure anything out. Does this make it clearer?