InputBox character length


Active Member
Aug 21, 2004
I have this in a module, and it will does not show Eight Cents on number 4

From Help
The maximum length of prompt is approximately 1024 characters, depending on the width of the characters used.

I put this in word and did a word count and got 347 characters any ideas on why it will not let more characters show?


Ans = Application.InputBox("Type in number will format 125.38 like.." & vbCr & _
"(1) = One Hundred Twenty Five Point Three Eight" & vbCr & _
"(2) = One Hundred and Twenty Five Point Three Eight" & vbCr & _
"(3) = One Hundred Twenty Five and 38/100," & vbCr & _
"(4) = One Hundred Twenty Five Dollars and Thirty Eight Cents", "Format For Spelling", 4)

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Instead of Application.Inputbox why not use just InputBox?
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Instead of Application.Inputbox why not use just InputBox?

Some calrification: there is a difference between the Inputbox Metho and the InputBox funtion. The Help article which states a prompt length of 1024 characters is for the Inputbox Function, not the InputBox Method. By using the Application object, you get the Inputbox Method, not the function.

The inputbox method does not indicate a limit to the length of the Prompt, but I did some experimenting, and adding a few more characters to your statement generates an internal, non-displaying error Error 2015, which I can't find a definition for at MSDN...

As Norie suggests, use the Function, Not the mthod, and you'll be fine.
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