Insert Text based on match macro help PLEASE


New Member
Feb 4, 2004
Hello everybody.

I'm seeking some assistance with a macro I need for a daily report. I need the value of each cell in column A to be compared to a given set of values. If the cell value matches a certain predefined value a specified text value is placed in the corresponding cell in column B. Let me give an example if my description kinds of stinks.

Lets say these are my predefined values and corresponding text
1 dog
2 cat
3 rabbit
4 frop
5 snake

If cell A1 contains the value "3" I would like the text "rabbit" to be entered into cell B1. If cell A6 contains the value "5" I would like the text "snake" to be entered into B6. If cell A8 contains the value "1" I would like the text "dog" to be entered into cell B8. Since I have more than 3 conditions I can't use the conditional formatting option. I need the conditions to be applied to all cells in column A that contain a value.

Thanks for your help!!!! Y'all rock!!!


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Sub Macro1()
With Range("b1:b" & Range("a65536").End(xlUp))
.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-1],{1,""dog"";2,""cat"";3,""rabbit"";4,""frop"";5,""snake""},2,FALSE)"
.PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

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Yeah, thanks I'll play with this for a while. I did notice when running the macro it doesn't check duplicate values. For instance if my cells in column A contained:

A1 1
A2 2
A3 1
A4 2

It only returns
A1 1 B1 dog
A2 2 B2 cat
A3 1 B3
A4 2 B4

It leaves cells b3 and b4 blank.
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