Hi all,
I'm a newbie, but I'm hoping I've got a question that's interesting enough.
I'm working on a userform for data entry, writing code to insert userform entries into a worksheet, which is simple enough. But...
I expect to move columns around when doing analysis, so I do not want to hardcode the column addresses for the worksheet entries [e.g., putting replies to question #1 into column A, question #2 into column B, etc]. To do this, I've written code that finds the heading of the appropriate column [e.g. "question #1"], and then inserts the user form entry there.
Briefly, this looks something like:
My problem is that I've got a lot of questions, so I'd like to loop through all of these question entries. But to keep the flexibility of identifying which column the entry goes in, I need to get column references for every question.
I thought of using a loop to pull the name of the userform controls à la:
That defintely doesn't work. The Dim seems to resist any parentheses, and that blocks my effort to simplify writing out Dim and column references for every question individually. Or anyway, that's how it looks to me right now.
Help or suggestions much appreciated!
I'm a newbie, but I'm hoping I've got a question that's interesting enough.
I'm working on a userform for data entry, writing code to insert userform entries into a worksheet, which is simple enough. But...
I expect to move columns around when doing analysis, so I do not want to hardcode the column addresses for the worksheet entries [e.g., putting replies to question #1 into column A, question #2 into column B, etc]. To do this, I've written code that finds the heading of the appropriate column [e.g. "question #1"], and then inserts the user form entry there.
Briefly, this looks something like:
Dim DataRng As Range
Dim Q1Col As Integer
Set DataRng = Worksheet("Sheet1").Range(Cells(1,1),Cells(100,100))
Q1Col = DataRng.Find("Q1", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
Worksheet("Sheet1").Cells(1, Q1Col) = textboxQ1.Text
My problem is that I've got a lot of questions, so I'd like to loop through all of these question entries. But to keep the flexibility of identifying which column the entry goes in, I need to get column references for every question.
I thought of using a loop to pull the name of the userform controls à la:
Dim ctrl As Controls
For Each ctrl In UserForm.Controls
Dim (ctrl.Name & "Col") As Integer
Next ctrl
That defintely doesn't work. The Dim seems to resist any parentheses, and that blocks my effort to simplify writing out Dim and column references for every question individually. Or anyway, that's how it looks to me right now.
Help or suggestions much appreciated!