Thanks for that
I solved it with this. If the active cell is in a row feild it returns the feild name but also return the feild name if the name itself is the active cell so turned of any action with the bold bit below.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim SepMonth As String, CareType As String, ServiceArea As String, ClinUnit As String
Dim UnitPT As PivotTable, WardPT As PivotTable, PT As PivotTable
Set UnitPT = Worksheets("LoS Drill Down").Range("A4").PivotTable
Set WardPT = Worksheets("LoS Drill Down").Range("M4").PivotTable
Set PT = ActiveCell.PivotTable
If Application.Range(ActiveCell.Address).PivotCell.PivotCellType <> xlPivotCellValue Then
If PT.Name = "UnitPT" And ActiveCell.PivotField.Name = "Clin Unit" And ActiveCell.Value <> "Clin Unit" Then
WardPT.PivotFields("Service Area").CurrentPage = UnitPT.PivotFields("Service Area").CurrentPage.Name
WardPT.PivotFields("Care Type").CurrentPage = UnitPT.PivotFields("Care TYpe").CurrentPage.Name
WardPT.PivotFields("Sep Month").CurrentPage = UnitPT.PivotFields("Sep Month").CurrentPage.Name
WardPT.PivotFields("Clin Unit").CurrentPage = ActiveCell.Value
Application.Goto Reference:=Range("L1"), Scroll:=True
End If
End If
ErrorHandler: If PT Is Nothing Then End
End Sub