Is there a smarter way prompt ($) several links in an area


Well-known Member
Mar 12, 2006
I have an area, say A1:B100 which is linked to an area of another workbook, C1:D100. I want to be able to copy the link to several tables of the same size and as such I want the link to be constant i.e. prompted ($). For example in A1, the link would be "=[File.xls]Sheet1!$C$1" instead of just =[File.xls]Sheet1!C1. This way I can copy the formula to another location with it adjusting in column/rows.

I can go to each cells and press F4 but my problem is of course I have quite a number of cells to do it.

Is there an easier way?


Excel Facts

Can you AutoAverage in Excel?
There is a drop-down next to the AutoSum symbol. Open the drop-down to choose AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, or MIN
If your question is, how do you convert a range of formulas so all their cell references are made to be absolute, then select your range of interest and run this macro:

Sub Test1()
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = 0
Dim x As Range, y$, z$
On Error Resume Next
For Each x In Selection.SpecialCells(3)
y = x.Formula
z = .ConvertFormula(Formula:=y, fromReferenceStyle:=xlA1, toReferenceStyle:=xlA1, toAbsolute:=xlAbsolute)
x.Formula = z
.ScreenUpdating = 1
End With
End Sub

If you mean something else, please repost.
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