Jumping to the Cells in a Selected Range - The Ctrl+. shortcut - VBA code?


Board Regular
Jul 27, 2012
I came across a keyboard shortcut that allow me to jump the corner cells of a selected range.

The keystrokes are Ctrl+.

If I have a rectangular range of cells selected and I hit Ctrl+. the actual selected cell will jump to the corners of my range.

My question is, Is there VBA code that does this same thing? I need code that does this keystroke shortcut (Ctrl+.) three times.

Hopefully this make sense to someone. I am not sure if I can post a link to another website so I will just give this - If you search "How To Jump to the Last Cell in a Selected Range", this will show you the keyboard shortcut and maybe you will better understand what I am looking for.

Thank you in advance.

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Ctrl + . 3 times for me is the equivalent of
VBA Code:
Selection.Cells(Selection.Rows.Count, 1).Activate
which isn't to me the last cell in the selected range which is
VBA Code:
If your activecell started in the top left corner.

Edit: changed .Select to .Activate as more appropriate.
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So what you gave me works very well and does exactly what I was asking for. However, I am trying to put it in a current routine of mine to replace a message box and eliminate a mouse click, that can lead to a mistake, if the click is not accurate.

The code for the macro is quite long and I was able to make it by recording macros and piecing together answers to questions of mine on this forum. Again, I am by no means a programmer but I can piece together code. I have been struggling with this for a day now. So, I figure it is time to ask for help.

The part of the macro I cannot figure out is...
VBA Code:
Set myRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="In Column A, Select First Cell Below Last Footer", Title:="Format Titles", Type:=8)

What I have tried is...
Set myRange = Selection.Cells(Selection.Rows.Count, 1).Activate.ActiveCell.Offset(1, -4).Select

Here is the entire code....
Sub a_1_Combine_Takeoff_Items()
' a_1_Combine_Takeoff_Items Macro

        Response = MsgBox("Run Combine Takeoff Items Macro? -- If Yes, be sure of your selection", vbYesNo)
If Response = vbNo Then Exit Sub
Set selectRng = Selection
    Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlDouble
        .Color = -13312
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThick
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
        .LineStyle = xlDouble
        .Color = -13312
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThick
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
        .LineStyle = xlDouble
        .Color = -13312
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThick
    End With

    Dim rng As Range
    Dim lFirst As Long, lLast As Long

    Set rng = Selection
    If Not rng Is Nothing Then
        lFirst = rng.Row
        lLast = rng.Rows.Count + lFirst - 1
        Range("z_1a_Sub_Cost").Formula = "=SUMIF('Takeoff'!$G$" & lFirst & ":$G$" & lLast _
            & ",""*Subcontractor*"",'Takeoff'!$O$" & lFirst & ":$O$" & lLast & ")"
    End If
    If Not rng Is Nothing Then
        lFirst = rng.Row
        lLast = rng.Rows.Count + lFirst - 1
        Range("z_1_Incidental_Cost").Formula = "=SUMIF('Takeoff'!$E$" & lFirst & ":$E$" & lLast _
            & ",""Incidentals Cost"",'Takeoff'!$F$" & lFirst & ":$F$" & lLast & ")"
    End If
    If Not rng Is Nothing Then
        lFirst = rng.Row
        lLast = rng.Rows.Count + lFirst - 1
        Range("z_2_Mat._Cost").Formula = "=SUMIF('Takeoff'!$G$" & lFirst & ":$G$" & lLast _
            & ",""Mat. Cost"",'Takeoff'!$H$" & lFirst & ":$H$" & lLast & ")"
    End If
    If Not rng Is Nothing Then
        lFirst = rng.Row
        lLast = rng.Rows.Count + lFirst - 1
        Range("z_3_Tax").Formula = "=SUMIF('Takeoff'!$I$" & lFirst & ":$I$" & lLast _
            & ",""Tax"",'Takeoff'!$J$" & lFirst & ":$J$" & lLast & ")"
    End If
    If Not rng Is Nothing Then
        lFirst = rng.Row
        lLast = rng.Rows.Count + lFirst - 1
        Range("z_4_Labor_Cost").Formula = "=SUMIF('Takeoff'!$K$" & lFirst & ":$K$" & lLast _
            & ",""Labor Cost"",'Takeoff'!$L$" & lFirst & ":$L$" & lLast & ")"
    End If
    If Not rng Is Nothing Then
        lFirst = rng.Row
        lLast = rng.Rows.Count + lFirst - 1
        Range("z_5_Equip_Cost").Formula = "=SUMIF('Takeoff'!$M$" & lFirst & ":$M$" & lLast _
            & ",""Equip Cost"",'Takeoff'!$N$" & lFirst & ":$N$" & lLast & ")"
    End If
    If Not rng Is Nothing Then
        lFirst = rng.Row
        lLast = rng.Rows.Count + lFirst - 1
        Range("z_6_Days").Formula = "=SUMIF('Takeoff'!$M$" & lFirst & ":$M$" & lLast _
            & ",""Equip Cost"",'Takeoff'!$O$" & lFirst & ":$O$" & lLast & ")"
    End If
    If Not rng Is Nothing Then
        lFirst = rng.Row
        lLast = rng.Rows.Count + lFirst - 1
        Range("z_7_Total_Cost").Formula = "=SUMIF('Takeoff'!$J$" & lFirst & ":$J$" & lLast _
            & ",""Total Cost"",'Takeoff'!$K$" & lFirst & ":$K$" & lLast & ")"
    End If

Dim myRange As Range
Dim CopyRange As Range

Set CopyRange = Range("_0_a_a_Combo_Box_Footer")

On Error Resume Next
Set myRange = Selection.Cells(Selection.Rows.Count, 1).Activate.ActiveCell.Offset(1, -4).Select

If myRange Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "No selection made", vbCritical, "Input required"
    Exit Sub
End If


myRange.Insert Shift:=xlDown

    Dim rngFound As Range, rngAll As Range
    Dim strFirst As String, lColor As Variant, arrColors As Variant
    arrColors = Array(RGB(193, 1, 0), RGB(73, 69, 41), RGB(13, 13, 13), RGB(38, 38, 38), RGB(64, 64, 64), RGB(22, 54, 92), RGB(2, 2, 2), RGB(1, 2, 2), RGB(1, 2, 1), RGB(30, 0, 0), RGB(40, 1, 1), RGB(40, 0, 0), RGB(20, 33, 33))
    With Selection
        For Each lColor In arrColors
            With Application.FindFormat
                .Font.Color = lColor        'Search for font color
            End With
            On Error Resume Next
            Set rngFound = .Find("", .Cells(.Cells.Count), SearchFormat:=True)
            On Error GoTo 0
            If Not rngFound Is Nothing Then
                strFirst = rngFound.Address
                    If rngAll Is Nothing Then
                        Set rngAll = rngFound
                        Set rngAll = Union(rngAll, rngFound)
                    End If
                    Set rngFound = .Find("", rngFound, SearchFormat:=True)
                Loop While rngFound.Address <> strFirst
            End If
        Next lColor
    End With
    If Not rngAll Is Nothing Then
        Set rngAll = Nothing
        Set rngFound = Nothing
        strFirst = vbNullString
        MsgBox "No cells found with any font color "
    End If

    With Selection.Font
        .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .TintAndShade = 0
    Application.Run "'" & ActiveWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!z_Link_Line_Number"
    End With
    Application.Run "'" & ActiveWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!z_Make_Combo_Footer_Fomulas_Relative"
        Response = MsgBox("Combo Box Complete - Be Sure to Modify: Item #, Cost Cost, Bid Item, Unit, Unit Qty and Sub Cost", vbOK)
If Response = vbOK Then Exit Sub

End Sub
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