Link same cell from separate workbooks


New Member
Aug 3, 2022
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
The following images show a sample workbook. I would like to link cell B2 from the Monday sheet, then from the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday sheets automatically into the Summary sheet in cell B2, then C2, etc. Any help would be appreciated.

Example 1.png
Example 2.png

Excel Facts

Lock one reference in a formula
Need 1 part of a formula to always point to the same range? use $ signs: $V$2:$Z$99 will always point to V2:Z99, even after copying
there are a couple of ways to do it, one involves putting formula into each cell on your summary sheet , the other involves writing VBA code to parse all the sheets and load the data into your summary sheet.

Simply putting =Mon!B2 into your Summary Sheet in cell B2 will get you the reference for that cell. Do the same across the first row until you have them as far as =Friday!F2

Then highlight the five and copy them down to your last row will be quickest ..

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I don't want to physically link the cell individually from each sheet. The images are a very simplified version of that I want. There are a lot more sheets.
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Hi salianne,

I have built timesheets for a busy logistics warehouse which uses lots of temps, so each agency needs a timesheet split by warehouse etc.
My advice to you is not to have a tab per day at all, as this makes recording hours for a time-sheet more complex than it needs to be.

Instead, add a column per day into one worksheet, using the date as the header. In my example below, I insert a date into C1 using the following code assigned to the button InsDte

VBA Code:
Sub insertdate()
' insertdate Macro
Worksheets("Proman Time Sheet").Activate
Range("C1:D1").Formula = "=TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY(),1)"
Range("C1:D1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End Sub

Then, each day in H1, M1, R1, W1, AB1 and AG1 are formulas e.g., Cell H1 =C1+1 ; Cell M1 =H1+1

The user of the time-sheet adds the start and finish times e.g., 08:00 ; 17:00 etc (which are left blank above as it's a template file).

How I do it, I have columns (shown hidden in the above image for E, F and G) that calculate hours worked, total before lunch, and hours for that day:
(I have macros hide [H] or unhide these hidden columns, and even have a button to re-insert the formulas [F] incase someone messes with them).

Here, I'll show those formulas. Note, the ranges are replaced by named ranges, which I will also show further down).



Note, in this formula, any shift over 6 hours gets a 30 min lunch break (-0.5)

Then, scrolling to the right past all the columns for all days of the week, there are three columns for Total hours, standard hours, and overtime hours.



Here, overtime is calculated as more than 40 hours per week.

Notice that I have a dynamic table around my data which permits the named ranges to refer to whole columns e.g., Range("TimeSheetTable[Start (Fri)]") specifically refers to Range("AG2:AG60").


Being able to create named ranges shortens formulas and gives the elements in formulas semantic meaning to you, thus helping you construct the formulas.


In the Summary worksheet, you can then insert a pivot table, and use the pivot table functionality to create whatever summary you require.


Just to show you the pivot table values box (bottom right) where the hours summary columns are pulled...

Using pivot tables is a learned skill, and the knowledge of how to use pivot tables can be assimilated here:

Intro to Pivot Tables and Dashboards Video Series 1 of 3
Intro to Pivot Tables and Dashboards Video Series 2 of 3
Intro to Pivot Tables and Dashboards Video Series 3 of 3

Automate Your Pivot Table With VBA [Step By Step Guide]

The VBA Guide To Excel Pivot Tables

I'm using formulas above the pivot table to pull in the days of the week from the first table



I realise that this is a little hard to follow, but trust me, using pivot tables will pay dividends in many different scenarios you might come across in business, and these can also be controlled by VBA macros.

Hope that gives you some ideas,

Kind regards,

Last edited:
Upvote 0
Hi salianne,

I have built timesheets for a busy logistics warehouse which uses lots of temps, so each agency needs a timesheet split by warehouse etc.
My advice to you is not to have a tab per day at all, as this makes recording hours for a time-sheet more complex than it needs to be.

Instead, add a column per day into one worksheet, using the date as the header. In my example below, I insert a date into C1 using the following code assigned to the button InsDte

VBA Code:
Sub insertdate()
' insertdate Macro
Worksheets("Proman Time Sheet").Activate
Range("C1:D1").Formula = "=TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY(),1)"
Range("C1:D1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End Sub

Then, each day in H1, M1, R1, W1, AB1 and AG1 are formulas e.g., Cell H1 =C1+1 ; Cell M1 =H1+1
View attachment 70724

The user of the time-sheet adds the start and finish times e.g., 08:00 ; 17:00 etc (which are left blank above as it's a template file).

How I do it, I have columns (shown hidden in the above image for E, F and G) that calculate hours worked, total before lunch, and hours for that day:
(I have macros hide [H] or unhide these hidden columns, and even have a button to re-insert the formulas [F] incase someone messes with them).
View attachment 70725

Here, I'll show those formulas. Note, the ranges are replaced by named ranges, which I will also show further down).

View attachment 70726

View attachment 70728

View attachment 70727

Then, scrolling to the right past all the columns for all days of the week, there are three columns for Total hours, standard hours, and overtime hours.

View attachment 70729

View attachment 70730

View attachment 70731

Notice that I have a dynamic table around my data which permits the named ranges to refer to whole columns e.g., Range("TimeSheetTable[Start (Fri)]") specifically refers to Range("AG2:AG60").

View attachment 70732

Being able to create named ranges shortens formulas and gives the elements in formulas semantic meaning to you, thus helping you construct the formulas.

View attachment 70733

In the Summary worksheet, you can then insert a pivot table, and use the pivot table functionality to create whatever summary you require.

View attachment 70734
Just to show you the pivot table values box (bottom right) where the hours summary columns are pulled...
View attachment 70737

Using pivot tables is a learned skill, and the knowledge of how to use pivot tables can be assimilated here:

Intro to Pivot Tables and Dashboards Video Series 1 of 3
Intro to Pivot Tables and Dashboards Video Series 2 of 3
Intro to Pivot Tables and Dashboards Video Series 3 of 3

Automate Your Pivot Table With VBA [Step By Step Guide]

The VBA Guide To Excel Pivot Tables

I'm using formulas above the pivot table to pull in the days of the week from the first table

View attachment 70735

View attachment 70736

I realise that this is a little hard to follow, but trust me, using pivot tables will pay dividends in many different scenarios you might come across in business, and these can also be controlled by VBA macros.

Hope that gives you some ideas,

Kind regards,

Excellent Doug. This looks like just what I need. I will change the layout of my workbook to example you have shown. Really appreciate this. I use Pivot Tables regularly.
Upvote 0
Excellent Doug. This looks like just what I need. I will change the layout of my workbook to example you have shown. Really appreciate this. I use Pivot Tables regularly.
You're welcome.

In case you know VBA, this is the code to replace formulas should someone delete a cell by accident:

VBA Code:
Sub PromanTimesheetFormulasInsert()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.Calculation = xlManual

Worksheets("Proman Time Sheet").Activate

Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours/MinsWorked]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(StSat>EndSat,EndSat+1-StSat,EndSat-StSat))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[TotalBeforeLunch]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(SatHrWkd)+(MINUTE(SatHrWkd)*60)+(HOUR(SatHrWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(SatHrWkd)+(MINUTE(SatHrWkd)*60)+(HOUR(SatHrWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Saturday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Saturday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(SatTBL=0,0,IF(SatTBL>6,(SatTBL-0.5),SatTBL)))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(SunSt>SunEnd,SunEnd+1-SunSt,SunEnd-SunSt))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Total Before Lunch]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Total Before Lunch]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(SunHrWkd)+(MINUTE(SunHrWkd)*60)+(HOUR(SunHrWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(SunHrWkd)+(MINUTE(SunHrWkd)*60)+(HOUR(SunHrWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Sunday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Sunday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(SunTBL=0,0,IF(SunTBL>6,(SunTBL-0.5),SunTBL)))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time6]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time6]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(MonSt>MonEnd,MonEnd+1-MonSt,MonEnd-MonSt))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Total hours not inc. lunch]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Total hours not inc. lunch]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(MonHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(MonHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(MonHrsWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(MonHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(MonHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(MonHrsWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Monday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Monday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(MonTBL=0,0,IF(MonTBL>6,(MonTBL-0.5),MonTBL)))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time9]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time9]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(TuesSt>TuesEnd,TuesEnd+1-TuesSt,TuesEnd-TuesSt))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[TotalBeforeLunch10]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(TuesHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(TuesHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(TuesHrsWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(TuesHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(TuesHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(TuesHrsWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Tuesday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Tuesday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(TuesTBL=0,0,IF(TuesTBL>6,(TuesTBL-0.5),TuesTBL)))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time13]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time13]").Formula = "=IF(Employee=0,"""",IF(WedSt>WedEnd,WedEnd+1-WedSt,WedEnd-WedSt))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[TotalBeforeLunch14]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(WedHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(WedHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(WedHrsWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(WedHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(WedHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(WedHrsWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Wednesday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Wednesday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(WedTBL=0,0,IF(WedTBL>6,(WedTBL-0.5),WedTBL)))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time17]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time17]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ThurSt>ThurEnd,ThurEnd+1-ThurSt,ThurEnd-ThurSt))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[TotalBeforeLunch18]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(ThurHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(ThurHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(ThurHrsWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(ThurHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(ThurHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(ThurHrsWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Thursday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Thursday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ThursTBL=0,0,IF(ThursTBL>6,(ThursTBL-0.5),ThursTBL)))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time21]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time21]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(FriSt>FriEnd,FriEnd+1-FriSt,FriEnd-FriSt))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[TotalBeforeLunch22]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(FriHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(FriHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(FriHrsWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(FriHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(FriHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(FriHrsWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Friday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Friday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(FriTBL=0,0,IF(FriTBL>6,(FriTBL-0.5),FriTBL)))"

Range("TimeSheetTable[Total]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",SUM(SatHours+SunHours+MonHours+TuesHours+WedHours+ThurHours+FriHours))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Standard]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",TotalHours-OvertimeHours)"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Overtime]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(TotalHours>40,TotalHours-40,0))"

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic

End Sub
Upvote 0
You're welcome.

In case you know VBA, this is the code to replace formulas should someone delete a cell by accident:

VBA Code:
Sub PromanTimesheetFormulasInsert()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.Calculation = xlManual

Worksheets("Proman Time Sheet").Activate

Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours/MinsWorked]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(StSat>EndSat,EndSat+1-StSat,EndSat-StSat))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[TotalBeforeLunch]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(SatHrWkd)+(MINUTE(SatHrWkd)*60)+(HOUR(SatHrWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(SatHrWkd)+(MINUTE(SatHrWkd)*60)+(HOUR(SatHrWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Saturday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Saturday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(SatTBL=0,0,IF(SatTBL>6,(SatTBL-0.5),SatTBL)))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(SunSt>SunEnd,SunEnd+1-SunSt,SunEnd-SunSt))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Total Before Lunch]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Total Before Lunch]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(SunHrWkd)+(MINUTE(SunHrWkd)*60)+(HOUR(SunHrWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(SunHrWkd)+(MINUTE(SunHrWkd)*60)+(HOUR(SunHrWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Sunday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Sunday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(SunTBL=0,0,IF(SunTBL>6,(SunTBL-0.5),SunTBL)))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time6]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time6]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(MonSt>MonEnd,MonEnd+1-MonSt,MonEnd-MonSt))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Total hours not inc. lunch]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Total hours not inc. lunch]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(MonHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(MonHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(MonHrsWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(MonHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(MonHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(MonHrsWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Monday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Monday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(MonTBL=0,0,IF(MonTBL>6,(MonTBL-0.5),MonTBL)))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time9]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time9]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(TuesSt>TuesEnd,TuesEnd+1-TuesSt,TuesEnd-TuesSt))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[TotalBeforeLunch10]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(TuesHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(TuesHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(TuesHrsWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(TuesHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(TuesHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(TuesHrsWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Tuesday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Tuesday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(TuesTBL=0,0,IF(TuesTBL>6,(TuesTBL-0.5),TuesTBL)))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time13]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time13]").Formula = "=IF(Employee=0,"""",IF(WedSt>WedEnd,WedEnd+1-WedSt,WedEnd-WedSt))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[TotalBeforeLunch14]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(WedHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(WedHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(WedHrsWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(WedHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(WedHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(WedHrsWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Wednesday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Wednesday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(WedTBL=0,0,IF(WedTBL>6,(WedTBL-0.5),WedTBL)))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time17]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time17]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ThurSt>ThurEnd,ThurEnd+1-ThurSt,ThurEnd-ThurSt))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[TotalBeforeLunch18]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(ThurHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(ThurHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(ThurHrsWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(ThurHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(ThurHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(ThurHrsWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Thursday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Thursday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ThursTBL=0,0,IF(ThursTBL>6,(ThursTBL-0.5),ThursTBL)))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time21]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Finish Time21]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(FriSt>FriEnd,FriEnd+1-FriSt,FriEnd-FriSt))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[TotalBeforeLunch22]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(ISERROR(SECOND(FriHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(FriHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(FriHrsWkd)*3600))/3600,""0.00"",(SECOND(FriHrsWkd)+(MINUTE(FriHrsWkd)*60)+(HOUR(FriHrsWkd)*3600))/3600))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Friday]").ClearContents
Range("TimeSheetTable[Hours for Friday]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(FriTBL=0,0,IF(FriTBL>6,(FriTBL-0.5),FriTBL)))"

Range("TimeSheetTable[Total]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",SUM(SatHours+SunHours+MonHours+TuesHours+WedHours+ThurHours+FriHours))"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Standard]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",TotalHours-OvertimeHours)"
Range("TimeSheetTable[Overtime]").Formula = "=IF(Employee="""","""",IF(TotalHours>40,TotalHours-40,0))"

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic

End Sub
Lol, I hate VBA, but can copy copy and use it ok as long as someone else writes. Thank you for all your help.
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