Logic in Excel


New Member
Sep 22, 2002
I am attempting to set up a spreadsheet for life insurance policies. There are three age groups that will get a rate. I cannot figure out how to get a formula for this. I figured out the basic formula =IF(A2>=49,"$3.00","N/A". But I want to develop something that will allow me to put a range in where the 49 is. For example if the age groups are 18-49, 50-59, 60-64, I want to develop a formula that will allow me to just drop in the age and have the correct rate prop up. I really need help with this!!!

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On 2002-09-23 11:19, Phoebe8178 wrote:
I am attempting to set up a spreadsheet for life insurance policies. There are three age groups that will get a rate. I cannot figure out how to get a formula for this. I figured out the basic formula =IF(A2>=49,"$3.00","N/A". But I want to develop something that will allow me to put a range in where the 49 is. For example if the age groups are 18-49, 50-59, 60-64, I want to develop a formula that will allow me to just drop in the age and have the correct rate prop up. I really need help with this!!!


where {3.00,5.00,7.00} consists of rates and {18,50,60} ages of interest. Adjust to suit. this formula returns an appropriate rate or a "" when appropriate.
This message was edited by Aladin Akyurek on 2002-09-23 16:46
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Hi Kris,

Welcome to the board. :)

Does this help?

=IF(OR(A2<18,A2>64),"Outside Range",IF(A2>49,IF(A2>59,"60-64","50-59"),"18-49"))

EDIT: Aladin is pretty hot on formulas - probably best to go with his option! :wink:
_________________<font color="blue"> «««<font color="red">¤<font color="blue"><font size=+1>Richie</font><font color="red">¤<font color="blue"> »»»</font>

This message was edited by Richie(UK) on 2002-09-23 11:44
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