I'm trying to figure out what wrong with my loop?
This is the current code that I have:
I would like to loop to put into the array the email and it's status if the email address is not already there, but if it is only update the status.
This is the current code that I have:
If Myemailarray(LBound(Myemailarray), LBound(Myemailarray)) <> "" Then 'compare emails
For j = LBound(Myemailarray) To UBound(Myemailarray)
If Myemailarray(j, 0) = emailclean Then ' email already there
Myemailarray(j, 1) = Status 'update its status only
' look at the next entry in the array
End If
Next j
Else ' Firt email into the array don't need to compare it
End If
' array is not empty and don't have the email in the array
Myemailarray(mea, 0) = emailclean
Myemailarray(mea, 1) = Status
mea = mea + 1