Macro function Sumifs will not identify "some" alphanumeric criteria data


New Member
May 29, 2015

I am pretty new to excel vba, so please bare with me. Thank you.

I just learned how to enter a function Sumifs into vba excel, and it worked fine until I entered my 3rd criteria, which is an alphanumeric character (including zeros), and it would not complete the full sum function for that last criteria. Here is the code I entered, and the highlighted blue data is the criteria it would not enter:

*Note: I am using very large data, 23 columns, +11k rows.

Dim oblRangePLL1 As Range
Dim oblRangeLO1 As Range
Dim oblRangeFP1 As Range
Dim oblRangeMNAmt1 As Range

Set oblRangePLL1 = Workbooks("S_DATA.xlsx").<wbr>Sheets("OBL").Range("A2", Workbooks("S_DATA.xlsx").<wbr>Sheets("OBL").Range("A2").End(<wbr>xlDown))
Set oblRangeLO1 = Workbooks("S_DATA.xlsx").<wbr>Sheets("OBL").Range("B2", Workbooks("S_DATA.xlsx").<wbr>Sheets("OBL").Range("B2").End(<wbr>xlDown))
Set oblRangeFP1 = Workbooks("S_DATA.xlsx").<wbr>Sheets("OBL").Range("G2", Workbooks("S_DATA.xlsx").<wbr>Sheets("OBL").Range("G2").End(<wbr>xlDown))
Set oblRangeMNAmt1 = Workbooks("S_DATA.xlsx").<wbr>Sheets("OBL").Range("J2", Workbooks("S_DATA.xlsx").<wbr>Sheets("OBL").Range("J2").End(<wbr>xlDown))

Range("H26").Formula = WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(<wbr>oblRangeMNAmt1, oblRangePLL1, "0968A1", oblRangeLO1, "15", oblRangeFP1, "QSQ0P00Y11")

Thank you for your help in this matter.


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You can't enter a formula in H26 that way. Do you want the result of the SumIfs to be returned to H26 or do you want the actual Sumifs formula in that cell?
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You can't enter a formula in H26 that way. Do you want the result of the SumIfs to be returned to H26 or do you want the actual Sumifs formula in that cell?

Either way, the sum range and all the criteria ranges must contain the same number of rows. The way you are setting those ranges, that may not be the case. Depends on where End(xlDown) is for each range.
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You can't enter a formula in H26 that way. Do you want the result of the SumIfs to be returned to H26 or do you want the actual Sumifs formula in that cell?

Hi JoeMo,

I want the result of the SumIf function to be returned to H26.
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Either way, the sum range and all the criteria ranges must contain the same number of rows. The way you are setting those ranges, that may not be the case. Depends on where End(xlDown) is for each range.

What is the best way to set the ranges for each set of criteria. I am open to doing this another way if possible. Thanks.

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What is the best way to set the ranges for each set of criteria. I am open to doing this another way if possible. Thanks.

Hard to tell w/o seeing your sheet layout, but this will give you the last used row and set the sum and criteria ranges accordingly - merge this with the rest of your code.
Dim Wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
Dim lR As Long
Set Wb = Workbooks("S_DATA.xlsx")
Set ws = Wb.Sheets("OBL")
    lR = .UsedRange.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    Set oblRangePLL1 = .Range("A2:A" & lR)
    'set other ranges similarly
    .Range("H26").Value = WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(oblRangeMNAmt1, oblRangePLL1, "0968A1", oblRangeLO1, "15", oblRangeFP1, "QSQ0P00Y11")
End With
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