Hi Everybody,
I am using macro to login to my web,One i login it didnt wait for browser to become "DONE" in status bar.It moves to next step.E.g on id and password submit its execute logout script as well.and same process for next I loop
its execute loop but as per browser its not completely functional.
What i need to know how i can manage it to wait for browser.
Please Help me in this regard.
I am using macro to login to my web,One i login it didnt wait for browser to become "DONE" in status bar.It moves to next step.E.g on id and password submit its execute logout script as well.and same process for next I loop
its execute loop but as per browser its not completely functional.
What i need to know how i can manage it to wait for browser.
Please Help me in this regard.
Rich (BB code):
Dim inputtext As Object
Dim core As ICoreVba
Dim browser As IBrowserVba
Set core = New webdesign.core
Dim i As Integer
for i=1 to 2
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set browser = core.StartBrowser("https://myhomeweb.net")
Call browser.FindElementVba("input text", "id=username").inputtext(Range("a1").Offset(i, 0))
Call browser.FindElementVba("input password", "id=passwd").inputtext(Range("B1").Offset(i, 0))
Call browser.FindElementVba("input checkbox", "id=persistent").Uncheck
Call browser.FindElementVba("button", "id=.save").Click
Call browser.FindElementVba("a", "text=logout").Click
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
i= i+1
next i
end sub