Hello guys,
Today i am trying to make loop in below mentioned script that one process done then it moves from a1 row to a2 and b1 to b2 respectively.How i can make loop for it?
Thanks in advance.
Today i am trying to make loop in below mentioned script that one process done then it moves from a1 row to a2 and b1 to b2 respectively.How i can make loop for it?
Thanks in advance.
Option Explicit
Private Sub forhome_Click()
Dim inputtext As Object
Dim core As ICoreVba
Dim browser As IBrowserVba
Set core = New myLib.core
Set browser = core.StartBrowser("http://myhomeweb.net")
Call browser.FindElementVba("input text", "id=username").inputtext(Range("a1"))
Call browser.FindElementVba("input password", "id=passwd").inputtext(Range("B1"))
Call browser.FindElementVba("button", "id=.save").Click
Call browser.FindElementVba("a", "text=Sign Out").Click
End Sub