I have been analysing a macro left behind by a previous employee who was unable to complete the project. It has suddenly stopped working giving me an 'object not available on this machine' error. The code is :
Any ideas guys, this has presented me with a big problem as the other macros all run after this.
I have been analysing a macro left behind by a previous employee who was unable to complete the project. It has suddenly stopped working giving me an 'object not available on this machine' error. The code is :
Rich (BB code):
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'UserForm_Initialize: This runs when the form is loaded.
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
With Me
.progProgBar.Min = 0
.progProgBar.Value = 0
End With
Exit Sub
Call LogErr("UserForm_Initialize", Err.Number, Err.Description)
GoTo TheEnd
End Sub
Any ideas guys, this has presented me with a big problem as the other macros all run after this.