Macro to Copy Active Worksheet to End of Workbook


New Member
Nov 15, 2005
I've resisted posting for help on this, but after about the hundredth attempt and way too many hours searching the web for the code, I admit defeat.

All I want to do is create a macro that will copy the active worksheet (whichever it may be at that moment, although usually it will already be the last one) to the end of the workbook. I've tried relative references, monkeying with the VB script (unfortunately I don't go much further than the original BASIC in days of yore.... 10 PRINT "Hello!"), and at this point am tempted to give voodoo a whirl. I always end up with either the same sheet being copied no matter what is active, or one that isn't copied to the end of the workbook.

Help? Please please pretty please? Proverbial cherry on top and everything?

Thanks so much!

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Copy a format multiple times
Select a formatted range. Double-click the Format Painter (left side of Home tab). You can paste formatting multiple times. Esc to stop
Try this code:
put it in a module

Public Sub MoveActiveSheetToEndOfWorkbook()

Dim wksCurrent As Worksheet
Dim wksLast As Worksheet

For Each wksCurrent In Worksheets

Set wksLast = wksCurrent

Next wksCurrent

ActiveSheet.Move , wksLast
End Sub
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Hi...I appreciate your time and help! When I ran this it moved the sheet to the end of the workbook, but didn't create a copy that is moved to the end. Sorry if that wasn't completely clear in my original post....
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Well nevermind....I tried changing "Move" to copy in the module you gave me and it did exactly what I wanted. YAYY!!!

Thanks so much dtchan!
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