Hi everyone, there is a lot on this topic , but cant find much to help with the "All open" part...
Im trying to create a macro that will copy all open worksheets from one workbook (workbook1) to another open workbook (workbook2). That parts doesnt seem to hard, but the stipulations are, it needs to import the tab names (as they are in workbook1) to workbook2, and copy over the formulas without the referenced sheet [sheet1], or in better words remove the brackets and all that is inbetween, but still leaving the formula.
Thanks everyine in advacne for any help or direction.
Also is it even possible to copy those worksheets (tabs) from a path, without even opening them?
Im trying to create a macro that will copy all open worksheets from one workbook (workbook1) to another open workbook (workbook2). That parts doesnt seem to hard, but the stipulations are, it needs to import the tab names (as they are in workbook1) to workbook2, and copy over the formulas without the referenced sheet [sheet1], or in better words remove the brackets and all that is inbetween, but still leaving the formula.
Thanks everyine in advacne for any help or direction.
Also is it even possible to copy those worksheets (tabs) from a path, without even opening them?