Macro to copy & paste with a loop and have it stored as a seperate excel file


New Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi all,

First off, love the website which I just found and enjoy the extensive help and detailed topics on how to exel in excel :P.

I hope someone would be able to make my day with this issue I am having.

This query is coming from my work area where we have multiple customers fill in an order form (excel) on a weekly basis. These orders are collected in 1 table (picture 1).
Where as;
Row 2 holds headers and basic information (static information).
Row 3 till ? are being filled with 1 order per row, but can consist of multiple items to be placed (starting from Column K:BP)

The idea now is to translate this data into a new table which we can use to upload it into our ordering system. However this table has a different layout on the actual data and thus we need to translate table 1(complete list of orders) to table 2(uploadsheet).

Let me explain the way the lists are build:

Complete list of Orders: (picture 1) TAB: "Master"
Row 2: Header information which needs to be used for the uploadsheet and their respective position in the sheet:
Column A: Order number of the customer
Column B: Loadingdate: DD.MM.YYYY
Column D: Customer number
Column K to BP: Product number

Picture 1.jpg

Uploadsheet: (picture 2)
Row 1: Header information (static information)
Row 2 till ?, per row the order information but then per row one product code and ordered quantity. Meaning 1 row of the list of orders can become a whole lst of rows due to the amount of products a customer places.
Where as the;
1. Order number is filled in Column E
2. Customer number is filled in Column H
3. Loading date is filled in Column J
4. Product code is filled in Column P
5 Order Quantity is filled in Column Q

Picture 2.jpg

*made a type in H3 which should read as "33333".

Now the idea I had was to have a macro that will open a new excel file which would create the needed translation of table 1 into table 2 and prompt the user to save it on the location of their choosing. However I have no idea how to do this. Also the translation of a single row order to an order consisting of multiple rows and only to copy the header and quantity filled in (and not the empty rows) remains an issue.

I searched the forum but couldn't find anything on this. Could someone help me with the coding of this idea?

Many thanks for your help and time in reading this.


Excel Facts

Format cells as currency
Select range and press Ctrl+Shift+4 to format cells as currency. (Shift 4 is the $ sign).
try these 2 macros (untested)

VBA Code:
Sub Create_upload()

Dim rs As Worksheet
Set rs = Worksheet("Upload")

lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
wr = 2 'row numbet to start writing the data to

For r = 3 To lr
For c = 11 To 86 ' columns K:BP

If Cells(r, c) > 0 Then 'Quanitiy is greate then zero ro write a line of data

rs.Cells(wr, "E") = Cells(r, "A")
rs.Cells(wr, "H") = Cells(r, "D")
rs.Cells(wr, "J") = Cells(r, "B")

rs.Cells(wr, "P") = Cells(2, c)
rs.Cells(wr, "Q") = Cells(r, c)

wr = wr + 1
End If
Next c

Next r
End Sub

VBA Code:
Sub Create_File()

myPath = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\"

myfile = InputBox("enter File name")
If myfile = "" Then Exit Sub

myfile = myPath & myfile & ".xls"

lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Range("A1:Q" & lr).Copy

  Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
NewBook.SaveAs Filename:=myfile
End Sub
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your welcome
I spoke too soon

The create file macro takes (copies) the data from the "Master" sheet instead of the Upload sheet and only the first 2 rows.

Would it also be possible to have the data (not formulas) deleted after the file has been created?

Many thanks in advance for helping me on this!!!
Upvote 0
this should save the correct file

VBA Code:
Sub Create_File()

myPath = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\"

myfile = InputBox("enter File name")
If myfile = "" Then Exit Sub

myfile = myPath & myfile & ".xls"

Dim rs As Worksheet
Set rs = Worksheets("Upload")

lr = rs.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
rs.Range("A1:Q" & lr).Copy

Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
NewBook.SaveAs Filename:=myfile
End Sub
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