Function ImportFiles()
'Declare variables
Dim fso 'File system object
Dim GetFile, FilDate 'to get the particular data file
Dim FilCount, FrmFolder
Dim db As Database
Dim tbdef As New TableDef 'to assign this for NewTable
Dim ColltbDef As TableDefs 'to search for tables collection with the name NewTable
Dim FilColl 'File collection
Dim tblFileNames As TableDef
Set db = CurrentDb 'set the database to be current database
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set FrmFolder = fso.GetFolder("\\ Server & Path") 'TEST setting the folder where the label files are located
Set FrmFolder = fso.GetFolder("\\ Server & Path") 'PRODUCTION setting the folder where the label files are located
Set FilColl = FrmFolder.Files
Dim Ctr, ID As Integer
Dim rsCur, rs, rs1, rs2 As Recordset
Dim lblFile, lblExt, PCC, Cus1, Copies, Seq, NewQry1, NewQry2, ForQry, MainQry, ToTable1, ToTable2 As String
Dim lblDate As Date
Dim relNew As Relation
Dim fld As Field
Dim rtncode As Long
Dim UpdateFld, UpdatingFld
Ctr = 1
Dim qry As QueryDef
Dim cnt
'Creating FileNames Table to enable storage of new file information
Set tblFileNames = db.CreateTableDef("FileNames")
With tblFileNames
.Fields.Append .CreateField("ID", dbLong)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("FileName", dbText)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("Ext", dbText)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("DateModified", dbDate)
.Fields("ID").Attributes = dbAutoIncrField
End With
db.TableDefs.Append tblFileNames
db.Execute "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ID on RenewalFileNames(ID) WITH PRIMARY; "
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("FileNames")
For Each FilCount In FilColl
lblFile = fso.GetFileName(FilCount)
lblDate = FilCount.DateLastModified
lblExt = fso.GetExtensionName(FilCount)
' Modify this next line in order to select the files you want imported
If Left(lblFile, 8) = "renewal_" And DateDiff("d", lblDate, Date) < 7 Then
Call rsUpdate(rs, lblFile, lblExt, lblDate)
End If
If rs.RecordCount < 1 Then
MsgBox "No files found. "
Screen.MousePointer = 0
End If
'Deal with the Files one at a time...
' new code for importing files
Do While Not rs.EOF
Dim fs, fn
fs = FrmFolder & "\"
fn = fs & rs.Fields("FileName").Value
' Code to open the PERSONAL.XLSB file and execute an Excel Macro
xlsOpenMacroSheet() Code should be modified to pass the file name as a variable to Excel
'The Excel macro then calls another Excel macro that opens the file. If that is successful, it calls a macro that you can record in Excel to make the changes you want done to each file. It saves and closes Excel upon completion.
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "ImportSpec", "Renewal", fn
End Function
Function rsUpdate(rs, lblFile, lblExt, lblDate)
With rs
.Fields("FileName").Value = lblFile
.Fields("Ext").Value = lblExt
.Fields("DateModified").Value = lblDate
End With
End Function
'This is in Access
Function xlsOpenMacroSheet()
Dim xlsApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlsWkb As Excel.Workbook
Const TARGET_WB = "C:\Users\tdistin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\PERSONAL.XLSB"
Set xlsApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice" /><o
> </o
xlsApp.Visible = True
> </o
Set xlsWkb = xlsApp.Workbooks.Open(TARGET_WB)
> </o
xlsApp.Application.Run "PERSONAL.XLSB!RunExcelMacro"
End Function
'This is in Excel
'It needs to be modified so that it passes the file name
Public Function RunExcelMacro() As Boolean
Dim s As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
<o> </o>
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
'This next line - I've replaced a file name like "C:\MyFolder\MyFilename" with a FileName variable
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(FileName)
Application.Run "PERSONAL.XLSB!RunExcelChanges"
'//We seem to have survived errors. Return True
RunExcelMacro = True
<o> </o>
'//close any workbooks you opened
If Not wb Is Nothing Then
wb.Close SaveChanges:=True
End If
Exit Function
<o> </o>
RunExcelMacro = False
Resume My_Exit
<o> </o>
End Function
<o> </o>
Sub RunExcelChanges()
'Recorded macro tasks/formatting changes
End Sub