I have this code below:
A= date column
B= persons name
C= x
D= text Today
It works but it seems to loop even if I press OK on the box. Sometimes I have to press it 5 times before it will go away.
Is there a way to stop the macro once the OK button is pressed?
(of course macro will start again on wookbook open which is correct)
In another words I only want it to run once per wookbook open if the criteria (todays date) is met.
Private Const reminder As Integer = 1
Private reminderNext As Variant
Public Sub remindMe()
myrows = Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
TODAY = Date
For thisrow = 2 To myrows
If (Cells(thisrow, "C") = "x") Then
thisdate = CDate(CDate(Cells(thisrow, "A")))
If (thisdate >= TODAY) Then
task = task & vbCrLf & " Call " & Cells(thisrow, "B") & " " & Format(Cells(thisrow, "D"))
End If
End If
If (task <> "") Then MsgBox task
reminderNext = Now + TimeSerial(0, reminder, 0)
Application.OnTime reminderNext, "ThisWorkbook.remindMe", , True
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call remindMe
End Sub
A= date column
B= persons name
C= x
D= text Today
It works but it seems to loop even if I press OK on the box. Sometimes I have to press it 5 times before it will go away.
Is there a way to stop the macro once the OK button is pressed?
(of course macro will start again on wookbook open which is correct)
In another words I only want it to run once per wookbook open if the criteria (todays date) is met.