I have searched the database for a similar problem but cant find one.
Threadneedle Lat Am 2531 2300 2695 2620
MFM Slater Growth 2500 2583 2626 2673
JPM Natural Resources 2541 2819 2761 2756
First State Indian Sub 2528 2577 2548 2447
Blackrock European Dyn 2550 2742 2702 2696
Smith William Gold and Resources 2550 2785 2655 2632
SL Inv UK Smaller Cos 2524 2739 2764 2772
Ecclesiastical Higher Income 2505 2535 2489 2475
Each column is supposed to be in line but I do not have software to copy the sheet yet. imagine four columns. Each time I add a new column I would like to colour the latest cells according to % change (figures range from -5% to +5%) e.g. -5%, -3%, -1%, 0% etc. I have tried it and got it to work to a degree but when I use negatives. for example =(D4/C4)-1<=-3% and same formula for -5% it only picks up anything less than zero.
Threadneedle Lat Am 2531 2300 2695 2620
MFM Slater Growth 2500 2583 2626 2673
JPM Natural Resources 2541 2819 2761 2756
First State Indian Sub 2528 2577 2548 2447
Blackrock European Dyn 2550 2742 2702 2696
Smith William Gold and Resources 2550 2785 2655 2632
SL Inv UK Smaller Cos 2524 2739 2764 2772
Ecclesiastical Higher Income 2505 2535 2489 2475
Each column is supposed to be in line but I do not have software to copy the sheet yet. imagine four columns. Each time I add a new column I would like to colour the latest cells according to % change (figures range from -5% to +5%) e.g. -5%, -3%, -1%, 0% etc. I have tried it and got it to work to a degree but when I use negatives. for example =(D4/C4)-1<=-3% and same formula for -5% it only picks up anything less than zero.