Can some assist me to replace 1 in A1 and B1 with the variable Rw in the following please.
ElxJobNo = Evaluate("INDEX(Index(Jobnumbers,0,1),MATCH(indirect(""A1"")&indirect(""B1""),Index(Jobnumbers,0,3)&Index(Jobnumbers,0,4),0))")
This works as it is but I am unable to use the incremental variable Rw to go though a series of rows.
Thanks in advance.
ElxJobNo = Evaluate("INDEX(Index(Jobnumbers,0,1),MATCH(indirect(""A1"")&indirect(""B1""),Index(Jobnumbers,0,3)&Index(Jobnumbers,0,4),0))")
This works as it is but I am unable to use the incremental variable Rw to go though a series of rows.
Thanks in advance.