I think this pretty simple but I just can't get it right.
I have several checkboxes on a userform that translates a value to cells on the spreadsheet starting in cell B1, C1, D1, E1...etc.
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
Range("B1").Value = "1"
I have a command button asking if you want to enter another person choices (I have a text box putting the person name in cell A1)
When the command button is clicked I have all the checkboxes value's changed to FALSE and I clear the text box with the name and move the active cell 1 row down, which when I enter the new name it fills in in cell
Application.Goto Reference:="R[1]C[]"
TextBox1.Text = ""
The problem when I start checking the checkboxes they over right the info already in cells B1, C1, D1..etc.
How do I get the checkboxes to move down one row? Offset?
You help will be appreciated
I have several checkboxes on a userform that translates a value to cells on the spreadsheet starting in cell B1, C1, D1, E1...etc.
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
Range("B1").Value = "1"
I have a command button asking if you want to enter another person choices (I have a text box putting the person name in cell A1)
When the command button is clicked I have all the checkboxes value's changed to FALSE and I clear the text box with the name and move the active cell 1 row down, which when I enter the new name it fills in in cell
Application.Goto Reference:="R[1]C[]"
TextBox1.Text = ""
The problem when I start checking the checkboxes they over right the info already in cells B1, C1, D1..etc.
How do I get the checkboxes to move down one row? Offset?
You help will be appreciated