So I have a pivot table with a few rows of data, containing the State Name, the number of Work orders assigned to that state and the dollar amount of all invoices for that state.
In this example lets say Alaska has 6 WO's Arkansa has 10 WO's and Alabama has 20 WO's and so on for each state (some states may have 0 so they would be excluded from the table).
My task is to Assign the states equally among a particular number of users for example 3 users, so that no user works the same state, however the distribution is as close as possible so that each user once all states are distributes is working roughly the same amount of WO's.
My thought was to sort ascending/descending and just of to the side do 1,2,3,1,2,3 and then sort that manner. which might work but if possible I would like to try to get it as close to equal as possible so no one is assigned more work then the other within reason.
Thank you!
In this example lets say Alaska has 6 WO's Arkansa has 10 WO's and Alabama has 20 WO's and so on for each state (some states may have 0 so they would be excluded from the table).
My task is to Assign the states equally among a particular number of users for example 3 users, so that no user works the same state, however the distribution is as close as possible so that each user once all states are distributes is working roughly the same amount of WO's.
My thought was to sort ascending/descending and just of to the side do 1,2,3,1,2,3 and then sort that manner. which might work but if possible I would like to try to get it as close to equal as possible so no one is assigned more work then the other within reason.
Thank you!