Need help with an Excel Macro please


Board Regular
Jul 9, 2002

I have a macro which picks off data from a sheet called "Data" and compares it to a sheet called "Rota" which is for a holiday report. This used to work fine last year but this year we have an extra day in February, so I just inserted a row on the Data sheet and put the info in, but now I run the macro, the holiday sheet seems to be 1 cell out, because I never made the macro I have no idea what any of the parts of it mean, so was wondering if one of you guys would be able to help.

here is the actual macro:-

Sub Holiday_Form()

v = 0

With Sheets("Leave Sheet")
.[A26:E100].Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End With


With Sheets("Rota")
a = 20
b = 1
If .Cells(2, a) <> "" Then
Sheets("Data").Cells(b, 3) = .Cells(2, a)
Sheets("Data").Cells(b, 4) = .Cells(1, a)
Sheets("Data").Cells(b, 5) = .Cells(2, a) & " " & .Cells(1, a)
b = b + 1
End If
a = a + 1
Loop Until a = 72
End With

With Sheets("Data")
.[C1:E100].Sort key1:=.[D1], order1:=xlAscending, header:=xlNo
.[C1:E100].HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
End With

With Which_Officer
.offr.ColumnCount = 1
.offr.RowSource = ("Data!E1:E100")

If v = 1 Then GoTo quitt
officer = .offr
End With

With Sheets("Data")
c = 1
Do Until .Cells(c, 5) = officer
c = c + 1
off1 = .Cells(c, 3)
off2 = .Cells(c, 4)
End With

Sheets("Leave Sheet").[A4] = officer

grp1 = ""
With Sheets("Data")
d = 1
If .Cells(d, 21) = off2 Then grp1 = .Cells(d, 22)
d = d + 1
Loop Until d = 12
End With

With Sheets("rota")
d = 1
Do Until .Cells(1, d) & .Cells(2, d) = off2 & off1
d = d + 1

e = d
Do Until .Cells(5, e) <> ""
e = e - 1
grp2 = Int(Right(.Cells(5, e), 1))
End With

If grp1 = "" Then grp1 = grp2

Sheets("Leave Sheet").[E7] = "GROUP " & grp2

f = 10
Do Until Sheets("Data").Cells(1, f) = grp1
f = f + 1

g = 10
Do Until Sheets("Data").Cells(1, g) = grp2
g = g + 1

With Sheets("Leave Sheet")
.[B26] = Sheets("Data").Cells(2, f)
.[B27] = Sheets("Data").Cells(109, f)
.[B28] = Sheets("Data").Cells(112, f)
.[B29] = Sheets("Data").Cells(126, g)
.[B30] = Sheets("Data").Cells(146, g)
.[B31] = Sheets("Data").Cells(147, g)
.[B32] = Sheets("Data").Cells(237, g)
.[B33] = Sheets("Data").Cells(238, g)
.[B34] = Sheets("Data").Cells(360, g)
.[B35] = Sheets("Data").Cells(361, g)
.[C26] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(6, d)
.[C27] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(113, d)
.[C28] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(116, d)
.[C29] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(130, d)
.[C30] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(150, d)
.[C31] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(151, d)
.[C32] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(241, d)
.[C33] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(242, d)
.[C34] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(364, d)
.[C35] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(365, d)

c = 26
Select Case .Cells(c, 2)
Case "R"
If .Cells(c, 3) = "R" Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "PH" Then
.Cells(c, 4) = .Cells(c, 1)
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
Range(.Cells(c, 1), .Cells(c, 5)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
MsgBox "PH booked on a R on " & .Cells(c, 1) & "!", vbOKOnly, "SILLY BILLY!"
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "A" Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "BL" Then
Range(.Cells(c, 1), .Cells(c, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
MsgBox "B leave booked on a R on " & .Cells(c, 1) & "!", vbOKOnly, " SILLY BILLY!"
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "LS" Then
Range(.Cells(c, 1), .Cells(c, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
MsgBox "LS leave booked on a R on " & .Cells(c, 1) & "!", vbOKOnly, " SILLY BILLY!"
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "L" Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "S" Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = 8 Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = 8.5 Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = 24 Then
If off1 = "DO" Then phtot = phtot + 1 Else phtot = phtot + 1.5
End If
c = c + 1
Case 8
If .Cells(c, 3) = "R" Then
Range(.Cells(c, 1), .Cells(c, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
MsgBox "R booked on an 8 PH on " & .Cells(c, 1) & "!", vbOKOnly, "SILLY BILLY!"
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "PH" Then
.Cells(c, 4) = .Cells(c, 1)
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "A" Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "BL" Then
Range(.Cells(c, 1), .Cells(c, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
MsgBox "B leave booked on an 8 PH on " & .Cells(c, 1) & "!", vbOKOnly, "SILLY BILLY!"
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "LS" Then
Range(.Cells(c, 1), .Cells(c, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
MsgBox "LS leave booked on an 8 PH on " & .Cells(c, 1) & "!", vbOKOnly, "SILLY BILLY!"
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "L" Then
.Cells(c, 4) = .Cells(c, 1)
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "S" Then
.Cells(c, 4) = .Cells(c, 1)
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = 8 Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = 8.5 Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = 24 Then
If off1 = "DO" Then phtot = phtot + 1 Else phtot = phtot + 1.5
End If
c = c + 1
Case 8.5
If .Cells(c, 3) = "R" Then
Range(.Cells(c, 1), .Cells(c, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
MsgBox "R booked on an 8.5 PH on " & .Cells(c, 1) & "!", vbOKOnly, " SILLY BILLY!"
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "PH" Then
.Cells(c, 4) = .Cells(c, 1)
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "A" Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "BL" Then
Range(.Cells(c, 1), .Cells(c, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
MsgBox "B leave booked on an 8.5 PH on " & .Cells(c, 1) & "!", vbOKOnly, "SILLY BILLY!"
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "LS" Then
Range(.Cells(c, 1), .Cells(c, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
MsgBox "LS leave booked on an 8.5 PH on " & .Cells(c, 1) & "!", vbOKOnly, "SILLY BILLY!"
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "L" Then
.Cells(c, 4) = .Cells(c, 1)
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "S" Then
.Cells(c, 4) = .Cells(c, 1)
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = 8 Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = 8.5 Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = 24 Then
If off1 = "DO" Then phtot = phtot + 1 Else phtot = phtot + 1.5
End If
c = c + 1
Case 24
If .Cells(c, 3) = "R" Then
Range(.Cells(c, 1), .Cells(c, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
MsgBox "R booked on a 24 PH on " & .Cells(c, 1) & "!", vbOKOnly, "SILLY BILLY!"
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "PH" Then
.Cells(c, 4) = .Cells(c, 1)
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "A" Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "BL" Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
Range(.Cells(c, 1), .Cells(c, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
MsgBox "B leave booked on a 24 PH on " & .Cells(c, 1) & "!", vbOKOnly, "SILLY BILLY!"
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "LS" Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
Range(.Cells(c, 1), .Cells(c, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
MsgBox "LS leave booked on a 24 PH on " & .Cells(c, 1) & "!", vbOKOnly, "SILLY BILLY!"
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "L" Then
.Cells(c, 4) = .Cells(c, 1)
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = "S" Then
.Cells(c, 4) = .Cells(c, 1)
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = 8 Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = 8.5 Then
.Cells(c, 5) = "X"
.Cells(c, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf .Cells(c, 3) = 24 Then
If off1 = "DO" Then phtot = phtot + 1 Else phtot = phtot + 1.5
End If
c = c + 1
Case Else
c = c + 1
End Select
Loop Until c = 37
If off1 = "DO" Then
.[E26:E35] = "X"
.[E26:E35].Interior.ColorIndex = 1
End If
End With

With Sheets("Rota")
a = 6
al = 9
bl = 16
ls = 20
ph = 26
hph = 26
ol = 37
aph = 37

If .Cells(a, 1) <> "" Then mon = .Cells(a, 1)
Select Case .Cells(a, d)
Case "A"
dat = .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
b = a + 6
a = a + 1
If .Cells(a, 1) <> "" Then mon = .Cells(a, 1)
Loop Until a = b
dat = dat & " - " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(al, 4) = dat
a = a + 1
al = al + 1
Case "BL"
If bl = 19 Then
MsgBox "Too many B leaves! " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon & " cannot be taken as a B leave!", vbOKOnly, "ERROR!"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(bl, 4) = .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
bl = bl + 1
End If
a = a + 1
Case "LS"
If ls = 23 Then
MsgBox "Too many Long Service leaves! " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon & " cannot be taken as a Long Service leave!", vbOKOnly, "ERROR!"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(ls, 4) = .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
ls = ls + 1
End If
a = a + 1
Case "PH"
b = 1
If .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon = Sheets("Data").Cells(b, 9) Then GoTo loopa
b = b + 1
Loop Until b = 12
Do Until Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(ph, 4) = ""
ph = ph + 1
If ph >= 36 Then
If hph < 36 Then
Do Until Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(hph, 5) = ""
hph = hph + 1
If hph >= 36 Then
MsgBox "Too many PH leaves! " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon & " cannot be taken as a PH!", vbOKOnly, "ERROR!"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").[D37] = "Additional PH's"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(aph, 5) = .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
aph = aph + 1
GoTo loopa
End If
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(hph, 5) = "½ " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
Do Until Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(hph, 5) = ""
hph = hph + 1
If hph = 36 Then
MsgBox "Too many PH leaves! " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon & " cannot be taken as a PH!", vbOKOnly, "ERROR!"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").[D37] = "Additional PH's"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(aph, 5) = .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
aph = aph + 1
GoTo loopa
End If
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(hph, 5) = "½ " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
MsgBox "Too many PH leaves! " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon & " cannot be taken as a PH!", vbOKOnly, "ERROR!"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").[D37] = "Additional PH's"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(aph, 5) = .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
aph = aph + 1
GoTo loopa
End If
b = 26
If Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(b, 4).Text = .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon Then
Exit Do
b = b + 1
End If
If b = 36 Then
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(ph, 4) = .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
ph = ph + 1
Exit Do
End If
End If
a = a + 1
Case ".PH"
Do Until Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(hph, 5) = ""
hph = hph + 1
If hph >= 36 Then
MsgBox "Too many PH leaves! " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon & " cannot be taken as a half PH", vbOKOnly, "ERROR!"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").[D37] = "Additional PH's"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(aph, 5) = "½ " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
aph = aph + 1
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(hph, 5) = .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
hph = hph + 1
End If
a = a + 1
Case 12
Do Until Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(hph, 5) = ""
hph = hph + 1
If hph >= 36 Then
MsgBox "Too many PH leaves! " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon & " cannot be taken as a half PH", vbOKOnly, "ERROR!"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").[D37] = "Additional PH's"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(aph, 5) = "½ " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
aph = aph + 1
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(hph, 5) = .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
hph = hph + 1
End If
a = a + 1
Case "+12"
Do Until Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(hph, 5) = ""
hph = hph + 1
If hph >= 36 Then
MsgBox "Too many PH leaves! " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon & " cannot be taken as a half PH", vbOKOnly, "ERROR!"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").[D37] = "Additional PH's"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(aph, 5) = "½ " & .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
aph = aph + 1
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(hph, 5) = .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
hph = hph + 1
End If
a = a + 1
Case 2000
Sheets("Leave Sheet").[A37] = "2000 Leave O/s"
Sheets("Leave Sheet").Cells(ol, 2) = .Cells(a, 2) & " " & mon
ol = ol + 1
a = a + 1
Case Else
a = a + 1
End Select
Loop Until a = 371
End With

Sheets("Leave Sheet").Select

End Sub

Thanks for any advice


Excel Facts

Test for Multiple Conditions in IF?
Use AND(test, test, test, test) or OR(test, test, test, ...) as the logical_test argument of IF.
I expect it's this bit:

.[B26] = Sheets("Data").Cells(2, f) 
.[B27] = Sheets("Data").Cells(109, f) 
.[B28] = Sheets("Data").Cells(112, f) 
.[B29] = Sheets("Data").Cells(126, g) 
.[B30] = Sheets("Data").Cells(146, g) 
.[B31] = Sheets("Data").Cells(147, g) 
.[B32] = Sheets("Data").Cells(237, g) 
.[B33] = Sheets("Data").Cells(238, g) 
.[B34] = Sheets("Data").Cells(360, g) 
.[B35] = Sheets("Data").Cells(361, g) 
.[C26] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(6, d) 
.[C27] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(113, d) 
.[C28] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(116, d) 
.[C29] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(130, d) 
.[C30] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(150, d) 
.[C31] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(151, d) 
.[C32] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(241, d) 
.[C33] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(242, d) 
.[C34] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(364, d) 
.[C35] = Sheets("Rota").Cells(365, d) 

The Cells property is Cells(Row,Column). Look at sheets Data and Rota and make sure it's picking up the right rows. Change to suit.
Upvote 0

I thought that too, coz B26 is the cell on the holiday form which should be filled in but if I look on the "Data" sheet, cells 2 , f there is no data, all the data is stored in columns L through to S.

any ideas???

Thanks T
Upvote 0
No, f, g and d are variables not column references. Don't worry about the columns, just concentrate on the rows.
Upvote 0
Thanks Andrew, thats where i was going wrong, I thought the letters were columns lol. Anyway i think thats done the trick, thank you so much, im sure I will be back again if anything else dies.

Thanks again

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