Need macro to total up the same name


Board Regular
May 12, 2005
Hi can anyone help with this,

I have this data where i need to sum;

abcd 216.00
abcd 572.00
eeee 649.00
zzz 396.00
eeee 564.00
eeee 1,194.00
fffff 731.00
fffff 54.24
zzz 731.00
zzz 885.00
abcd 598.24
zzz 241.24
eeee 153.00
zzz 403.00

I need macro to sum allthe same group into

eeee (total here)

the reason i need this is to enable me to do this to thousands of data and used copy and paste to produce a reports.

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Yup, but by using subtotal , i wont be able to copy the data and paste as a reports, i will still need to clear things up coz i'm dealing with few thousands data here. After that i need to sort up and make a top ten reports
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Then try SUMIF:


If the labels are in Column A and the data in Column B. Adjust the ranges to suit. HTH
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thanks for the reply,

This won't really work because i have like 700 products and it goes random, is there any vb macro which to make it match. then sum?
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Try this:

Sub getTotals()
'Assumes data is in A:B (no header row)

    Range("A1:B1").Insert -4121
    Range("A1").Value = "Category"
    Range("B1").Value = "Value"
    Range("A1:B" & Range("B:B").Find("*", , , , , 2).Row).Copy Range("D1")
    With Range("D1:E" & Range("B:B").Find("*", , , , , 2).Row)
        .Sort Range("D2"), 1, , , , , , 1, , 0
        .Subtotal 1, -4157, Array(2)
        .PasteSpecial -4163
        .AutoFilter 1, "=*Total*", 1, "<>Grand Total"
    End With
    Range("D:E").SpecialCells(2).Copy Range("G1")
    ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = 0
    Range("A1:I1").Delete -4162

End Sub
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Excellent, works well. from here i think i should be able to macro remove the word total and auto paste to others sheet. thanks alot tazguy
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One problem here, is it possible to count the total number next to the total

example after sorting


the 5 refers to 5 aaaa which total up to get 8293.
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How about:

Sub getTotals()
'Assumes data is in A:B (no header row)

    Range("A1:B1").Insert -4121
    Range("A1").Value = "Category"
    Range("B1").Value = "Value"
    Range("A1:B" & Range("B:B").Find("*", , , , , 2).Row).Copy Range("D1")
    With Range("D1:E" & Range("D:D").Find("*", , , , , 2).Row)
        .Sort Range("D2"), 1, , , , , , 1, , 0
        .Subtotal 1, -4157, Array(2)
    End With
    With Range("D1:E" & Range("D:D").Find("*", , , , , 2).Row)
        .PasteSpecial -4163
        .AutoFilter 1, "=*Total*", 1, "<>Grand Total"
    End With
    Range("D:E").SpecialCells(2).Copy Range("G1")
    ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = 0
    Range("A1:I1").Delete -4162
    Range("G1:G" & Range("G:G").Find("*", , , , , 2).Row).FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTIF(C[-6],LEFT(RC[-2],FIND("" "",RC[-2])-1))"

End Sub
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