I have a excel workbook with two sheets; 1) Work 2) Completed with long list on sheet1 (Work). When ever I am done with any of the item(s) listed on Sheet1(Work) I put "X" in column "H." I have my command button on sheet2 (Completed) which cut the done items (rows with "X") from sheet1(work) and paste it to sheet2 (Completed). Its work fine but it left blank rows on sheet1(work). I don't want the blank rows once the text moved to sheet2(Completed). Any suggestions? Please help! I have copied my code.
I have a excel workbook with two sheets; 1) Work 2) Completed with long list on sheet1 (Work). When ever I am done with any of the item(s) listed on Sheet1(Work) I put "X" in column "H." I have my command button on sheet2 (Completed) which cut the done items (rows with "X") from sheet1(work) and paste it to sheet2 (Completed). Its work fine but it left blank rows on sheet1(work). I don't want the blank rows once the text moved to sheet2(Completed). Any suggestions? Please help! I have copied my code.
Const MONITOR_COLUMN_1 As String = "H"
'Const MONITOR_COLUMN_2 As String = "G"
'Const MONITOR_COLUMN_3 As String = "H"
Const COMPLETED_WORKSHEET As String = "Completed"
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim shCompleted As Worksheet
Set shCompleted = Worksheets(COMPLETED_WORKSHEET)
Dim sh As Worksheet
For Each sh In Worksheets
Dim db As Range
Set db = sh.UsedRange
Dim rRow As Range
For Each rRow In db.Rows
If rRow.Cells(1, MONITOR_COLUMN_1).Value = "X" _
If Not DataExists(shCompleted, rRow) Then
rRow.Cut Destination:=shCompleted.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
End If
End If
Next rRow
End If
Next sh
MsgBox "Macro has finished processing"
End Sub
Function DataExists(sh As Worksheet, r As Range) As Boolean
'This function assumes that the Range r is a single row
Dim db As Range
Set db = sh.UsedRange
Dim rRow As Range
Dim dataIdentical As Boolean
For Each rRow In db.Rows
dataIdentical = True
Dim iCol As Integer
For iCol = 1 To r.Columns.Count
If rRow.Cells(1, iCol) <> r.Cells(1, iCol) Then
dataIdentical = False
Exit For
End If
Next iCol
If dataIdentical Then
DataExists = True
Exit Function
End If
Next rRow
DataExists = False
End Function