Need to make a few changes in this code


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Mar 26, 2020
Office Version
  1. 2019
  1. Windows
Hello JohhnyL
I need your expertise once again, to make a few changes in your code to improvise it. I have added a few lines in your code to get the yellow cells at the top of the sheet, but it is limited to 500 rows only. If the column has more than 500 GSTIN numbers then it will display the color cells of the top 500 rows only. The rows colored yellow below the 500th row are not sorted to the top. I have tried to explain a few more changes required in the code in the GSTIN_to_Verify sheet.
To edit code.xlsm

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VBA Code:
Option Explicit
'Created by Johnnyl and updated on 15-06-2022

#If VBA7 Then
' Timer settings for 64Bit Excel
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function getFrequency Lib "kernel32" Alias _
            "QueryPerformanceFrequency" (cyFrequency As Currency) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function getTickCount Lib "kernel32" Alias _
            "QueryPerformanceCounter" (cyTickCount As Currency) As Long
' Timer settings for 32Bit Excel
    Private Declare Function getFrequency Lib "kernel32" Alias _
            "QueryPerformanceFrequency" (cyFrequency As Currency) As Long
    Private Declare Function getTickCount Lib "kernel32" Alias _
            "QueryPerformanceCounter" (cyTickCount As Currency) As Long
#End If

Sub GetDataFromWeb()                                                                        ' 19 avg secs with IE.
    Dim StartTime                   As Double
    StartTime = MicroTimer                                                                  ' Start the stopwatch
    Dim ArrayRow                    As Long
    Dim CheckCount                  As Long
    Dim FormulaCount                As Long, GSTIN_Count            As Long, GSTINsToCheck          As Long
    Dim LastRowThisWorkbook         As Long
    Dim NA_EndRow                   As Long, NA_StartRow            As Long
    Dim LastRow                     As Long, LastRowDownloadedSheet As Long, LastRowRenamedSheet    As Long
    Dim RowCount                    As Long, EndRow                 As Long, StartRow               As Long
    Dim WebProcessedGSTINs          As Long
    Dim Browser                     As Object
    Dim Dict                        As Object
    Dim TextWindow                  As Object
    Dim cel                         As Range
    Dim rng                         As Range, rngFound              As Range
    Dim CopiedData                  As String
    Dim DownloadedSheetName         As String
    Dim MainColumn                  As String
    Dim RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet       As String
    Dim WebSite                     As String
    Dim GSTIN_Array                 As Variant
    Dim IncorrectGSTIN_Array        As Variant
    Dim DownloadedWorkbook          As Workbook
    Dim WB                          As Workbook
    Dim DSN                         As Worksheet
    Dim WS                          As Worksheet
    Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("GSTIN_to_Verify")                                               ' <--- Set this to the sheet to sort
    RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet = "GSTIN Verified"                                          ' <--- Set this to the name of the renamed 'GSTIN_to_Verify' sheet
    MainColumn = "B"                                                                        ' <--- Set this to the column to be used for last row
    WebSite = ""                                     ' <--- Set this to the website that you want to go to
    With WS
        LastRow = .Range(MainColumn & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                            ' Get last row used in Column B of 'GSTIN_to_Verify' sheet
        If .Range(MainColumn & "2") = vbNullString Then                                     ' If B2 in GSTIN_to_Verify sheet is blank then ...
            MsgBox "Enter GSTIN Number in column B."                                        '   Display message to user
            Exit Sub                                                                        '   Exit the code
        End If
        .UsedRange.Interior.Pattern = xlNone                                                '   Clear the green filled cell in the used range of 'GSTIN_to_Verify' sheet
        .Range(Columns("D"), .Columns(Columns.Count)).ClearFormats                          '   Clear formatting from Columns K to end of 'GSTIN_to_Verify' sheet
        With .Range("A2" & ":A" & LastRow)                                                  '   Number the rows of data down Column A
            .Value = WS.Evaluate("Row(" & .Address & ") - 2 + 1")                           '       Row(.Address) - StartRow (2) + 1
        End With
        Application.CopyObjectsWithCells = False                                            '   Don't copy the Macro button in the following copy
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False                                                   '   Turn off DisplayAlerts to hide pop up
        .Copy after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)                                                   '   Copy 'GSTIN_to_Verify' sheet to end of workbook
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True                                                    '   Turn DisplayAlerts back on
        ActiveSheet.Name = RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet                                            '   Name the copy of the 'GSTIN_to_Verify' sheet
   End With
    Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    With Sheets(RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet)
        LastRowRenamedSheet = .Range(MainColumn & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                '   Get last used row # of column B on RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet
        GSTIN_Array = .Range(MainColumn & "2:" & MainColumn & LastRowRenamedSheet)          '   Save GSTIN #s into GSTIN_Array
        For ArrayRow = 1 To UBound(GSTIN_Array, 1)                                          '   Loop through GSTIN_Array
            Dict(GSTIN_Array(ArrayRow, 1)) = 1                                              '       Save GSTIN #
        Next                                                                                '   Loop back
        .Range("A2:" & MainColumn & LastRowRenamedSheet).ClearContents                      '   Clear Columns A & B on the RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet
        .Range(MainColumn & "2").Resize(Dict.Count) = Application.Transpose(Dict.Keys)      '   Write the unique GSTIN #s back to column B
        LastRowRenamedSheet = .Range(MainColumn & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                '   Recalculate last used row # of column B on RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet
        .Sort.SortFields.Clear                                                              '   Clear the sort fields
        .Range("A2:J" & LastRowRenamedSheet).Sort Key1:=.Range(MainColumn & "2"), _
                Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo                                           '   Sort the RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet by 'GSTIN' column
        With .Range("A2" & ":A" & LastRowRenamedSheet)                                      '   Number the rows of data down Column A
            .Value = Sheets(RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet).Evaluate("Row(" & .Address & ") - 2 + 1")  '       Row(.Address) - StartRow (2) + 1
        End With
    End With
' Step 5
    Set Browser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    GSTIN_Count = LastRowRenamedSheet - 1                                                   ' Number of GSTIN's remaining to be checked
    GSTINsToCheck = 450                                                                     ' Number of GSTINs we will process if > 500 remaining
    EndRow = 1                                                                              ' Initialize EndRow
    Do While GSTIN_Count > 0                                                                ' Loop until all GSTINs have been checked
        StartRow = EndRow + 1                                                               '   Set the StartRow #
        If GSTIN_Count > 500 Then                                                           '   If GSTIN_Count > amount that can be processed @ 1 time then ...
            GSTIN_Count = GSTIN_Count - GSTINsToCheck                                       '       Subtract from Total amount remaining
            EndRow = StartRow + GSTINsToCheck - 1                                           '       Calculate end row # to copy
            Sheets(RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet).Range(MainColumn & StartRow & ":" & MainColumn & _
                    EndRow).Copy                                                            '       Copy data from renamed sheet to clipboard
        Else                                                                                '   Else ...
            GSTINsToCheck = GSTIN_Count                                                     '       Set GSTINsToCheck = GSTINs remaining to be checked
            GSTIN_Count = 0                                                                 '       Set GSTIN_Count = 0 to stop looping after this loop
            EndRow = StartRow + GSTINsToCheck - 1                                           '       Calculate end row # to copy
            Sheets(RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet).Range(MainColumn & StartRow & ":" & MainColumn & _
                    EndRow).Copy                                                            '       Copy data from renamed sheet to clipboard
        End If
        CopiedData = CreateObject("htmlfile").parentWindow.clipboardData.GetData("Text")    '   Save contents from clipboard into CopiedData
        With Browser
            .Visible = False                                                                '       Set IE window status to Invisible
            .Navigate WebSite                                                               '       Go to the website
            Do While .Busy Or .ReadyState <> 4                                              '       Loop to wait for website to fully load
                DoEvents                                                                    '           Process any pending events
            Loop                                                                            '       Loop back
            On Error Resume Next                                                            '       If error occurs, ignore it, proceed to next line of code
            For CheckCount = 1 To 100                                                       '       Loop to check if TextWindow has appeared
                Set TextWindow = .document.getElementsByClassName("cz-no-double-click")     '           Check to see if TextWindow has appeared
                If Not TextWindow Is Nothing Then Exit For                                  '           If TextWindow has appeared then Exit this loop
            Next                                                                            '       Loop back
            On Error GoTo 0                                                                 '       Return Error handling back to Excel
            .document.getElementsByTagName("textarea")(0).innerText = CopiedData            '       Copy CopiedData to text box on website
            .document.querySelector("button[type=submit]").Click                            '       Click the 'Check GSTIN/UIN Numbers' button on website
            Do While .Busy Or .ReadyState <> 4                                              '       Loop to wait for website to fully load
                DoEvents                                                                    '           Process any pending events
            Loop                                                                            '       Loop back
            On Error Resume Next                                                            '       If error occurs, ignore it, proceed to next line of code
            For CheckCount = 1 To 100                                                       '       Loop to check all GSTIN#s have been processed by website
                WebProcessedGSTINs = .document.getElementsByTagName("table")(0).getElementsByTagName("TR").Length   '           Save # of processed
'                                                                                           '                               GSTIN #s into WebProcessedGSTINs
                If WebProcessedGSTINs > GSTINsToCheck Then Exit For                         '           If website has processed submitted GSTIN #s then Exit For loop
            Next                                                                            '   Loop back
            On Error GoTo 0                                                                 '       Return Error handling back to Excel
' See if we can improve this \/ \/ So it doesn't occasionally give error 94 about 'null'
            For CheckCount = 1 To 100                                                       '       Loop to check if file is available for download
                If .document.querySelector("[class='pull-right btn btn-sm btn-excel']") <> "" Then
                    Set WB = Workbooks.Open(.document.querySelector("[class='pull-right btn btn-sm btn-excel']"))   '       Open the download link into workbook
                    Exit For
                End If
        End With
        Set DownloadedWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook                                             '   Save name of downloaded file to DownloadedWorkbook
        DownloadedSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name                                              '   Save the downloaded sheet name to DownloadedSheetName
        On Error Resume Next                                                                '   If error occurs, ignore it, proceed to next line of code
        Set DSN = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(DownloadedSheetName)                                  '   See if downloaded sheet name already created in
'                                                                                           '           ThisWorkbook, if error then sheet doesn't exist
        On Error GoTo 0                                                                     '   Return Error handling back to Excel
        If Not DSN Is Nothing Then                                                          '   If DSN was successfully set (Sheet already exists) then ...
            LastRowDownloadedSheet = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                  '       Get last used row of the DownloadedSheet
            LastRowThisWorkbook = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(DownloadedSheetName).Range("A" & _
                    Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                                               '       Get last used row of saved download sheet
            If LastRowDownloadedSheet > 1 Then                                              '       If downloaded sheet is not empty then ...
                ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(DownloadedSheetName).Range("A2:L" & LastRowDownloadedSheet).Copy _
                        ThisWorkbook.Sheets(DownloadedSheetName).Range("A" & LastRowThisWorkbook + 1) '       Copy results from DownloadedSheet to memory (clipboard)
            End If
        Else                                                                                '   Else ...
            ActiveSheet.Copy after:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count)          '       Copy the sheet from downloaded file to ThisWorkbook
            ActiveSheet.Name = DownloadedSheetName                                          '   Name the copy of sheet to DownloadedSheetName
        End If
        DownloadedWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False                                         '   Close the downloaded file
    Loop                                                                                    ' Loop back
    Browser.Quit                                                                            ' Close the browser
' Step 6
    With Sheets(RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet)
        Sheets(DownloadedSheetName).Range("A1:L1").Copy .Range("D1:O1")                     ' Copy Header row from the downloaded sheet to RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet
        LastRowDownloadedSheet = Sheets(DownloadedSheetName).Range("A" & _
                Sheets(DownloadedSheetName).Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                       '   Get last row used in the DownloadedSheet
        For FormulaCount = 1 To 12                                                          '   Loop to write formulas across range
            .Cells(2, 3 + FormulaCount).Formula = _
                    "=VLOOKUP(B2,'" & DownloadedSheetName & "'!$A$2:$L$" & _
                    LastRowDownloadedSheet & "," & FormulaCount & ",0)"                     '       Write formula to cell
        Next                                                                                '   Loop back
        .Range("D2:O2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("D2:O" & LastRowRenamedSheet)          '   Fill the formulas down the range

        .Range("D2:O" & LastRowRenamedSheet).Copy                                           '   Copy formula range into memory (Clipboard)
        .Range("D2:O" & LastRowRenamedSheet).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues                     '   Paste just the values back to range
        Application.CutCopyMode = False                                                     '   Clear clipboard & 'marching ants' around copied range
        .Range("E2:E" & LastRowRenamedSheet).NumberFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy"                    '   Format Dates in Column L

        .UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                                                     '   Autofit all of the columns on the destination Sheet
    End With
    Set rng = Sheets(RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet).Range("D2:D" & LastRowRenamedSheet)             ' Set column K as the column to check for '#N/A"
    Set rngFound = rng.Find("#N/A")                                                         ' Save if '#N/A' is found in the column
    If rngFound Is Nothing Then                                                             ' If '#N/A' was not found in the column then ...
        MsgBox "All GSTIN Numbers Matched."                                                 '   Notify user that everything matched
        GoTo WrapUp                                                                         '   Display time elapsed and exit
    Else                                                                                    ' Else ...
        With Sheets(RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet)
            .Sort.SortFields.Clear                                                          '       Clear the sort fields
            .Range("A2:V" & LastRowRenamedSheet).Sort Key1:=.Range("D" & "2"), _
                    Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo                                       '       Sort RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet by column K
            NA_StartRow = .Range("D:D").Find(what:="#N/A", after:=.Range("D" & _
                    LastRowRenamedSheet)).Row                                               '       Find the start row of '#N/A' values
            NA_EndRow = .Range("D:D").Find(what:="#N/A", after:=.Range("D1"), _
                    searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row                                        '       Find the end row of '#N/A' values
            If NA_StartRow <> NA_EndRow Then                                                '       If more than one '#N/A' is found then ...
                IncorrectGSTIN_Array = .Range(MainColumn & NA_StartRow & ":" & _
                        MainColumn & NA_EndRow)                                             '           Save Incorrect GSTIN #s into IncorrectGSTIN_Array
            Else                                                                            '       Else ...
                IncorrectGSTIN_Array = .Range(MainColumn & NA_StartRow)                     '           Save the one Incorrect GSTIN into IncorrectGSTIN_Array
            End If
            .Sort.SortFields.Clear                                                          '       Clear the sort fields
            .Range("A2:V" & LastRowRenamedSheet).Sort Key1:=.Range(MainColumn & "2"), _
                    Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo                                       '       Sort RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet by column B
            .Columns("D:D").Replace "#N/A", 0, xlWhole                                      '       Replace all "#N/A" in column D with zero
            .Sort.SortFields.Clear                                                          '       Clear the sort fields
            .Range("A2:V" & LastRowRenamedSheet).Sort Key1:=.Range("D2"), _
                    Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo                                       '       Sort RenamedGSTIN_to_VerifySheet by column D
            .Columns("D:D").Replace 0, "#N/A", xlWhole                                      '       Replace all zero values in column D with "#N/A"
        End With
        With WS
            .Sort.SortFields.Clear                                                          '       Clear the sort fields
            .Range("A2:" & MainColumn & LastRow).Sort Key1:=.Range(MainColumn & "2"), _
                    Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo                                       '       Sort 'GSTIN_to_Verify' sheet by column B
            If IsArray(IncorrectGSTIN_Array) Then                                           '   If IncorrectGSTIN_Array is an array of values then ...
                For ArrayRow = 1 To UBound(IncorrectGSTIN_Array, 1)                         '       Loop through rows of IncorrectGSTIN_Array
                    For RowCount = 2 To LastRow                                             '           Loop through rows of 'GSTIN_to_Verify' sheet
                        If .Range(MainColumn & RowCount).Value = _
                                IncorrectGSTIN_Array(ArrayRow, 1) Then                      '               If 'GSTIN_to_Verify' sheet row =
'                                                                                           '                       IncorrectGSTIN_Array then ...
                            .Range("A" & RowCount & ":B" & RowCount).Interior.Color = 65535 '                   Color the row yellow
                        End If
                    Next                                                                    '           Loop back
                Next                                                                        '       Loop back
            Else                                                                            '   Else ...
                For RowCount = 2 To LastRow                                                 '       Loop through rows of 'GSTIN_to_Verify' sheet
                    If .Range(MainColumn & RowCount).Value = IncorrectGSTIN_Array Then      '           If 'GSTIN_to_Verify' sheet row =
'                                                                                           '                       IncorrectGSTIN_Array then ...
                            .Range("A" & RowCount & ":B" & RowCount).Interior.Color = 65535 '               Color the row yellow
                        End If
                    Next                                                                    '       Loop back
            End If
            .Sort.SortFields.Clear                                                          '       Clear the sort fields
            .Range("A2:" & MainColumn & LastRow).Sort Key1:=.Range("A2"), _
                    Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo                                       '       Sort 'GSTIN_to_Verify' sheet by column A
        End With
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("GSTIN_to_Verify").Sort.SortFields.Add(Range("A2:A" & LastRow), _
        xlSortOnCellColor, xlAscending, , xlSortNormal).SortOnValue.Color = RGB(255, _
        255, 0)
    With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("GSTIN_to_Verify").Sort
        .SetRange Range("A1:B" & LastRow)
        .Header = xlYes
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False                                                       ' Turn DisplayAlerts off
    Sheets(DownloadedSheetName).Delete                                                      ' Delete the no longer needed Taxpayers sheet
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True                                                        ' Turn DisplayAlerts back on
        MsgBox "Yellow Cells in GSTIN_to_Verify Sheet not matching. Check & Edit."          '   Notify user that at least one GSTIN didn't match
    End If
    Debug.Print "Time elapsed = " & (MicroTimer - StartTime) & " seconds."                  ' Display Elapsed Time into Immediate Window (CTRL+G)
    MsgBox "GSTIN verification Completed."                                                  ' Notify user that the script has finished
End Sub

Public Function MicroTimer() As Double                                                      ' Precision depends on the frequency of the CPU in the computer
' Code by Charles Williams originally
' Uses Windows API calls to the high resolution timer
' Returns time in seconds
    Dim cyTicks1        As Currency
    Static cyFrequency  As Currency
    MicroTimer = 0                                                                          ' Initialize MicroTimer to zero
    If cyFrequency = 0 Then getFrequency cyFrequency                                        ' Get ticks/second aka frequency
    getTickCount cyTicks1                                                                   ' Get # of ticks
    If cyFrequency Then MicroTimer = cyTicks1 / cyFrequency                                 ' Calculate seconds ... seconds = Ticks/Frequency
End Function
Upvote 0
It did what all I asked for. It's Perfect now.👌
Thanks JohnnyL.
Upvote 0
Time taken 11.73 seconds. It was 38 seconds before.💙
Upvote 0
I think the flickering of the screen must be because it is opening the web and getting the data. Right.?
Upvote 0
I think the flickering of the screen must be because it is opening the web and getting the data. Right.?
I think part of it is adding a sheet which makes the new sheet active.
Another part would probably be the code you added.
VBA Code:
Upvote 0
JohnnyL, JohnnyL I am facing two more issues now.
1. When all the GSTIN numbers are matched it doesn't delete the GST Taxpayers sheet. It deletes only if there are incorrect GSTIN numbers.
2. When I check one GSTIN number only, whether correct or incorrect, I get an error - Run time error 17, Type Mismatch at this line
Rich (BB code):
        For ArrayRow = 1 To UBound(GSTIN_Array, 1)                                          '   Loop through GSTIN_Array
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