Nested If statement...


New Member
Jun 17, 2011
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have a spreadsheet with 16 columns and a variable number of rows of data. Basically we are using this as a log, to log when a "job" is recieved into our company, and then as it travels through the different departments it is signed off in the log, so for example columns 1-7 have typical job information, and the last 9 columns are the different departments. I am writing a macro to create an, "executive summary" tab which basically lists all of the unclosed jobs, and what departments have not signed off on these jobs. I've got everything working well EXCEPT determining the "waiting on" column. Currently im using a nested If statement. Problem is, the way the job flows through the departments IS NOT linear, and there could be multiple departments who havent signed off , or just one (the column headers are the dept. names and when the dept. signs off on the job they just write their initials and date in the corresponding cell below). im having a very difficult time creating a formula or writing VBA to return the departments that havent yet signed off on these particular jobs.

This is what my formula looks like so sar.
=IF(Z400="",IF(X400="",IF(V400="",IF(T400="",IF(R400="",IF(P400="",IF(N400="","Planning, Purchasing,Nest","Planning, Purchasing"),"Planning, Purchasing"),"Planning, Purchasing"),"Planning, Purchasing"),IF(V400="","purchasing",IF(T400="","purchasing",IF(R400="","purchasing",IF(P400="","purchasing",IF(N400="","nest","in copy"))))))))

but that is not working at all, i thought about a do loop but im not sure.

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The Roman numeral for 40 is XL. Bill "MrExcel" Jelen's 40th book was called MrExcel XL.


e2: =""
e3: =Dept2Dept4

Add punctuation where you feel needed.

If Ive miss understood, please provide data and desired output.
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Pplstuff, you ROCK! Thanks! What a bittersweet solution. (why couldnt i have figured that out?) lol, seriously thank you so much.
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No problem! Glad to help. As always, there is probably a better way - this was just the first that comes to mind.
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