Hi Everyone,
I'm new here and new to programming in VBA. I have a question about this run- time error 6. Please forgive the ugly code, I am just learning, so if there are any suggestions on cleaning the code and finding the error, I would be really excited!
I'm new here and new to programming in VBA. I have a question about this run- time error 6. Please forgive the ugly code, I am just learning, so if there are any suggestions on cleaning the code and finding the error, I would be really excited!
Sub Axxten()
Dim x As Double
Dim v As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim col As Integer
Dim pow As Integer
col = 14
v = 1 / (1 + Cells(41, 1))
'First cell in appropriate column pivoting downward
For i = 1 To 35
pow = 1
x = 0
k = i
' Set Do loop to stop when an empty cell is reached
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(1 + k, 2))
'Attempt to stop run-time error 6
If IsEmpty(Cells(1 + k + 10, 2)) Then Cells(1 + k + 10, 2) = 0
'Caclulate adouble dot
x = x + (Cells(1 + k, 2) / Cells(1 + i, 2)) * (Cells(1 + k + 10, 2) / Cells(1 + i + 10, 2)) * v ^ (pow)
'Fill in zeros for appropriate cells
If x = 0 Then Cells(1 + i, col) = x
'Out another year, raise to another power
pow = pow + 1
''Out another year, next survivorship
k = k + 1
'Place adouble dot total under qs
Cells(1 + i, col) = 1 - (1 - v) * x
'Pivot downward
Next i
End Sub