I appologize about being vauge in my first post. I am trying to make a flat labor data base that groups regular hours and overtime hours with the event and the employee that worked it along with some other details. This is what I have so far. I know once I can get A2 to go to the right place the rest of my coding will be, hopefully downhill from here. Every time I test it it skips a row or places a2 value outside the table. I appreciate all of your help
Thank you,
Todd D.
Dim ts As Worksheet
Set ts = Worksheets("TimeSheet")
Dim lt As Worksheet
Set lt = Worksheets("LaborTable")
Dim newrow As Long
newrow = lt.Range("a50000").End(xlUp).Row + 1
lt.Cells(newrow, 1).Value = ts.Range("a2").Value