The following code is generating output but the Code is not ending and generating not responding error at last and also the first opened file is not closing.
When i tried checking the code with F8 everything went fine.
I am unable to locate the error in this code. Kindly help me in this regard
The following code is generating output but the Code is not ending and generating not responding error at last and also the first opened file is not closing.
When i tried checking the code with F8 everything went fine.
I am unable to locate the error in this code. Kindly help me in this regard
Sub test() Dim strPath As String, startPath As String, Endpath As String, i As Long, buffer As String, startDate As Date, LR As Long startPath = "E:\Macros\Input\" 'current directory Endpath = "E:\Macros\Output\" 'output path startDate = "01-JUN-2011" 'DDMMMYYYY Do While buffer <> "02-JUL-2011" buffer = Format$(startDate, "DDMMMYYYY") strPath = startPath & "fo" & buffer & "bhav.csv" 'full path of the file you want to open otrpath = Endpath & "fo" & buffer & "bhav.txt" startDate = startDate + 1 'add one day If Len(Dir(strPath)) > 0 Then Workbooks.Open Filename:=(strPath) Application.ScreenUpdating = False LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row With Range("A1:O" & LastRow) .AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>FUTIDX", Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<>FUTSTK" .Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Delete End With ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row Columns("C").Insert Range("C2").Value = "-I" For i = 3 To LR If Range("B" & i).Value = Range("B" & i - 1).Value Then Range("C" & i).Value = Range("C" & i - 1).Value & "I" Else Range("C" & i).Value = "-I" End If Next i For i = 2 To LR Range("B" & i).Value = Range("B" & i).Value & Range("C" & i).Value Range("D" & i).NumberFormat = "yyyymmdd" Range("D" & i).Value = Range("P" & i).Value Next i Columns("C").Delete Columns("N:O").Delete Columns("L").Delete Columns("J").Delete Columns("D:E").Delete Columns("A").Delete Range("B1").Value = "TIMESTAMP" Range("I2:I" & LR).Formula = "=G2*LOOKUP(9.99999999999999E+307,SEARCH(""#""&'[NSE Converter.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1:$A$226,""#""&SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A2),CHAR(160),"""")),'[NSE Converter.xls]Sheet1'!$B$1:$B$226)" For i = 2 To LR Range("G" & i).Value = Range("I" & i).Value Next i Columns("I").Delete Rows("1").Delete Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=(otrpath), CreateBackup:=False ActiveWorkbook.Close Application.DisplayAlerts = True End If Loop End Sub