Object Required error


Board Regular
Dec 11, 2003
CellColor Dim As Range
CellColor = Dates!A2

The code above returns an error "Object Required".
I am trying to get the range Dates!A2 into the variable CellColor. What am I doing wrong?

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Even placing "Set CellColor" in the code still returns the error.
Here is my complete code:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetCalculate(ByVal Sh As Object)

'This code generates totals on the active sheet. All cell's with an Interior Color of light green
'will total in the Exempt total. All with no fill will total in Taxable Total
Dim myCell As Range
Dim iCol As Integer
Dim myTotal
Dim CellColor As Range
Dim SumRange As Range
Dim FinalRow As Range
Set FinalRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp)
FinalRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Set CellColor = Dates!A2
SumRange = Range(Cells(4, "AI"), Cells(FinalRow - 3, "AI"))
iCol = CellColor.Interior.ColorIndex 'get the target color
For Each myCell In SumRange 'look at each cell in the designated range
If myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = iCol Then 'if the cell color matches the target Color
myTotal = WorksheetFunction.Sum(myCell) + myTotal 'add the value in the cell to the total
End If
Next myCell
Cells(FinalRow - 1, "AI") = myTotal

End Sub
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If you want to refer to cell A2 on a worksheet called Dates you need something like this.
 Set CellColor = Worksheet("Dates").Range("A2")
I'm not 100% sure how VBA will interpret Dates!A2.
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Using this code returns a compile error "Sub or Function not defined". The word "Worksheet" is highlighted in blue.
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Worksheet should be Worksheets.
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