I got this following function from http://www.cpearson.com/excel/vbaarrays.htm and would like to use it, but the "On Error Resume Next" code is not working where they are purposely allowing an error to occur at the line: N = UBound(Arr, 1).
What do I need to do to make this not display the error dialog?
Thanks for any suggestions!
What do I need to do to make this not display the error dialog?
Public Function IsArrayAllocated(Arr As Variant) As Boolean
' IsArrayAllocated
' Returns TRUE if the array is allocated (either a static array or a dynamic array that has been
' sized with Redim) or FALSE if the array is not allocated (a dynamic that has not yet
' been sized with Redim, or a dynamic array that has been Erased). Static arrays are always
' allocated.
' The VBA IsArray function indicates whether a variable is an array, but it does not
' distinguish between allocated and unallocated arrays. It will return TRUE for both
' allocated and unallocated arrays. This function tests whether the array has actually
' been allocated.
' This function is just the reverse of IsArrayEmpty.
Dim N As Long
On Error Resume Next
' if Arr is not an array, return FALSE and get out.
If IsArray(Arr) = False Then
IsArrayAllocated = False
Exit Function
End If
' Attempt to get the UBound of the array. If the array has not been allocated,
' an error will occur. Test Err.Number to see if an error occurred.
N = UBound(Arr, 1)
If (Err.Number = 0) Then
' Under some circumstances, if an array
' is not allocated, Err.Number will be
' 0. To acccomodate this case, we test
' whether LBound <= Ubound. If this
' is True, the array is allocated. Otherwise,
' the array is not allocated.
If LBound(Arr) <= UBound(Arr) Then
' no error. array has been allocated.
IsArrayAllocated = True
IsArrayAllocated = False
End If
' error. unallocated array
IsArrayAllocated = False
End If
End Function
Thanks for any suggestions!