Only execute auto open if certain criteria are met


New Member
Jun 4, 2004
I have the following code in a worksheet I am using to raise purchase orders. The worksheet is called Purchase Order.xlt

Sub auto_open()
End Sub

Private Sub NewOrderNumber()
Range("ref2").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, _
Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
End Sub

Private Sub RenameFile()
Dim myOrderNumber As Range
Set myOrderNumber = Range("OrderNumber")

("R:\............\Purchase Order " & myOrderNumber & ".xls")
End Sub

This works fine as its creating a new file for each order, the problem I have is when I reopen the order for review - it renames it!

I need something that says 'if I've already been numbered don't do it again' or probably more simplistically something like "If I am called *.xlt then rename me, but if I am called *.xls then don't"

Can someone help me with this.

Many thanks

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You just need to specify the fileformat as xlNormal in your SaveAs statement, else Excel will save it as type template ( even though you are naming it with an extension of .xls ).
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Thanks for this, I take your point and I have amended, but it hasn't resolved my problem. The code to resave the file happens everytime the file opens. I'm a real beginner with this stuff, and the only way I can think of dealing with it is to put an error handler in to say if the new file name already exists, ignore the error and exit the sub, but this feels a bit like using a sledge hammer to crack a nut. Is there a nice way of saying 'if I've already been renamed and saved, don't do it again?' It does need to be on the auto open function because I don't want the users to have to remember to rename the file.

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You could test the fileformat of the current workbook, at the beginning of the RenameFile sub, and only continue processing is the filetype is xlTemplate.

Use something like
If ThisworkBook.FileFormat <> xlTemplate Then Exit Sub
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