Hi There
I hope that someone out there can help me solve this VBA problem. I only show the code lines that are giving me undue stress.
Here is what I want the code to do.
If the workbook is already open I want to ignore the line
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\Mario\My Documents\Luvian Homes\Salem's Point 10 1.xls"
and go the the line
Windows("Salem's Point 10 1.xls").Activate
If however, the workbook is not open then I want to go to the line
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\Mario\My Documents\Luvian Homes\Salem's Point 10 1.xls"
and ignore the line
Windows("Salem's Point 10 1.xls").Activate
I hope that someone out there can help me solve this VBA problem. I only show the code lines that are giving me undue stress.
Here is what I want the code to do.
If the workbook is already open I want to ignore the line
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\Mario\My Documents\Luvian Homes\Salem's Point 10 1.xls"
and go the the line
Windows("Salem's Point 10 1.xls").Activate
If however, the workbook is not open then I want to go to the line
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\Mario\My Documents\Luvian Homes\Salem's Point 10 1.xls"
and ignore the line
Windows("Salem's Point 10 1.xls").Activate