Dear Helpful Members of Mr Excel,
I have been working on several projects to automate work in the company I am working for and have come to the following problem:
I have a VBA6 program I have successfully programmed to calculate the costs of our fasteners and anchors, now it is important that I get the data placed in an excel file.
Some data for you before going on:
Interface picture general layout:
The deal is this:
When I press the button I want to have Excel open and data to be there automatically.
I will take the data from the calculations and paste these like in this picture:
On the left I would like to have the ability to indicate a minimum and maximum value and decide the increment according to it.
There will have to be 10 different worksheets, one for each amount.
Let me know some ideas you guys have that could help me out.
Thanks as always,
I have been working on several projects to automate work in the company I am working for and have come to the following problem:
I have a VBA6 program I have successfully programmed to calculate the costs of our fasteners and anchors, now it is important that I get the data placed in an excel file.
Some data for you before going on:
Interface picture general layout:
Private Sub Form_Load()
lstAnchorType.AddItem ("FFS")
Call AlloyLoad
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCalc_Click()
If lstAnchorType = "FFS" Then
Call FFSCalc
End If
End Sub
Sub AlloyLoad()
CS37 = "Carbon Steel / ST37"
S304 = "AISI 304 / DIN 1.4301"
S308 = "AISI 308 / DIN 1.4303"
S309 = "AISI 309 / DIN 1.4828"
MA253 = "253MA / DIN 1.4835"
S310 = "AISI 310s / DIN 1.4845"
S314 = "AISI 314 / DIN 1.4841"
S316 = "AISI 316 / DIN 1.4401,1.4404"
S321 = "AISI 321 / DIN 1.4541"
S330 = "AISI 330 / DIN 1.4864"
I601 = "Inconel 601 / DIN 2.4851"
I625 = "Inconel 625 / DIN 2.4856"
I800H = "Inconel 800H / 1.4876"
lstAlloy.AddItem CS37
lstAlloy.AddItem S304
lstAlloy.AddItem S308
lstAlloy.AddItem S309
lstAlloy.AddItem MA253
lstAlloy.AddItem S310
lstAlloy.AddItem S314
lstAlloy.AddItem S316
lstAlloy.AddItem S321
lstAlloy.AddItem S330
lstAlloy.AddItem I601
lstAlloy.AddItem I625
lstAlloy.AddItem I800H
End Sub
Private Sub lstAlloy_Click()
Call DensityCalc
End Sub
Private Sub lstAnchorType_Click()
If lstAnchorType = "FFS" Then
picAnchor.Picture = LoadPicture("F:\Silicon logo files\siliconlogo.jpg")
Call FFSset
End If
End Sub
Sub FFSset()
Dim dia As Double
Dim amount As Integer
dia = 5.25
amount = 1
txtDiameter.Text = dia
txtAmount.Text = amount
txtDiameter.BackColor = &HE0E0E0
txtDiameter.Locked = True
txtHeight.BackColor = &HE0E0E0
txtHeight.Locked = True
txtWidth.BackColor = &HE0E0E0
txtWidth.Locked = True
End Sub
Sub DensityCalc()
CS37 = "Carbon Steel / ST37"
S304 = "AISI 304 / DIN 1.4301"
S308 = "AISI 308 / DIN 1.4303"
S309 = "AISI 309 / DIN 1.4828"
MA253 = "253MA / DIN 1.4835"
S310 = "AISI 310s / DIN 1.4845"
S314 = "AISI 314 / DIN 1.4841"
S316 = "AISI 316 / DIN 1.4401,1.4404"
S321 = "AISI 321 / DIN 1.4541"
S330 = "AISI 330 / DIN 1.4864"
I601 = "Inconel 601 / DIN 2.4851"
I625 = "Inconel 625 / DIN 2.4856"
I800H = "Inconel 800H / 1.4876"
If lstAlloy = CS37 Then
txtDensity = 0.0078
Me.txtAlloyPrice.Text = FOTRICWB("f:\Price Calculation\Prices.RawMaterial.xls", "RMP", "c6")
End If
If lstAlloy = S304 Then
txtDensity = 0.0078
End If
If lstAlloy = S308 Then
txtDensity = 0.0079
End If
If lstAlloy = S309 Then
txtDensity = 0.0079
End If
If lstAlloy = MA253 Then
txtDensity = 0.0078
End If
If lstAlloy = S310 Then
txtDensity = 0.0079
End If
If lstAlloy = S314 Then
txtDensity = 0.0079
End If
If lstAlloy = S316 Then
txtDensity = 0.0079
End If
If lstAlloy = S321 Then
txtDensity = 0.0078
End If
If lstAlloy = S330 Then
txtDensity = 0.0081
End If
If lstAlloy = I601 Then
txtDensity = 0.00825
End If
If lstAlloy = I625 Then
txtDensity = 0.00862
End If
If lstAlloy = I800H Then
txtDensity = 0.0081
End If
lblKgCm3.Caption = "Kg/cm3"
End Sub
Private Sub txtLength_Change()
Dim lengte As Double
Dim brutolengte As Double
lengte = Val(txtLength)
brutolengte = lengte + 3
txtBLength = brutolengte
End Sub
Sub FFSCalc()
If txtDensity.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Select an Alloy.")
End If
If txtLength.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Set a length.")
End If
'Raw Material Definitions
Dim d As Double
Dim l As Double
Dim amount As Double
Dim dens As Double
Dim gewicht As Double
Dim volume As Double
Dim price As Double
Dim basecost As Double
'Labor Cost Definitions
Dim instel As Double
Dim admin As Double
Dim afkorten As Double '1800/h
Dim punten As Double '1250/h
Dim stampen As Double '1000/h
Dim ontvetten As Double '1200/h
Dim inpak As Double '5000/h
Dim uurloon As Integer '65euro/h
'Dim amount As Double already done
Dim werkkost As Double
'Raw Material Calculations
Const PI = 3.14159265358979
d = Val(txtDiameter)
l = Val(txtBLength)
amount = Val(txtAmount)
dens = Val(txtDensity)
price = Val(txtAlloyPrice)
'Labor Related
uurloon = 65
instel = 1.5
admin = 1
afkorten = amount / 1800
punten = amount / 1250
stampen = amount / 1000
ontvetten = amount / 1200
inpak = amount / 5000
volume = (l / 10) * PI * (((d / 10) / 2) ^ 2)
gewicht = dens * volume
basecost = gewicht * amount * price
txtBaseCostMaterial.Text = (Format(CSng(basecost), "#.####"))
werkkost = (instel + admin + afkorten + punten + stampen + ontvetten + inpak) * uurloon
txtLaborCost = (Format(CSng(werkkost), "#.####"))
End Sub
Function FOTRICWB(ClosedWorkbookFullName As String, _
SheetName As String, RangeAddress As String) As Variant
Dim conn As Object, rs As Object, SQL As String
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & ClosedWorkbookFullName & _
";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=NO;"""
SQL = "Select * From [" & SheetName & "$" & RangeAddress & ":" & RangeAddress & "]"
rs.Open SQL, conn, 1, 3
FOTRICWB = rs.Fields(0).Value
rs.Close: conn.Close
End Function
The deal is this:
When I press the button I want to have Excel open and data to be there automatically.
I will take the data from the calculations and paste these like in this picture:
On the left I would like to have the ability to indicate a minimum and maximum value and decide the increment according to it.
There will have to be 10 different worksheets, one for each amount.
Let me know some ideas you guys have that could help me out.
Thanks as always,