Opening latest files


Board Regular
Aug 27, 2004
I use the following code to open the latest file. What I am trying to do is get this code to find the latest 7 files instead of just one. Can this code be amended? I have tried to include a loop but without sucess!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dim I As Integer
Dim X As Date
Dim LastCreated As String
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "M:\Ltsb_MI\LTSB\Activity\Weekly"
.Filename = "*.xls"
For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count

If FileDateTime(.FoundFiles(I)) > X Then
X = FileDateTime(.FoundFiles(I))
LastCreated = .FoundFiles(I)
End If
Next I
Workbooks.Open LastCreated
End With

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Example sub demonstrates returning a sorted list of file path's. They are sorted by DateLastModified.

Opening latest files

<table width="100%" border="1" bgcolor="White" style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(endColorstr='#C0CFE2', startColorstr='#FFFFFF', gradientType='0');"><tr><TD><font size="2" face=Courier New>  <font color="#0000A0">Sub</font> Example()
       <font color="#0000A0">Dim</font> MyFiles() <font color="#0000A0">As</font> String, x <font color="#0000A0">As</font> <font color="#0000A0">Integer</font>

       MyFiles = GetFilesByDateLastModified("M:\Ltsb_MI\LTSB\Activity\Weekly")

       <font color="#0000A0">For</font> x = 0 <font color="#0000A0">To</font> UBound(MyFiles)
           Debug.Print MyFiles(x)
       <font color="#0000A0">Next</font>

  <font color="#0000A0">End</font> <font color="#0000A0">Sub</font>

  <font color="#008000">'contains references to mscorlib and Microsoft Scripting Runtime</font>
  <font color="#0000A0">Function</font> GetFilesByDateLastModified(DirectoryPath <font color="#0000A0">As</font> String) <font color="#0000A0">As</font> String()
       <font color="#0000A0">Dim</font> al <font color="#0000A0">As</font> <font color="#0000A0">New</font> mscorlib.ArrayList, fso <font color="#0000A0">As</font> <font color="#0000A0">New</font> Scripting.FileSystemObject, f <font color="#0000A0">As</font> Scripting.File
       <font color="#0000A0">Dim</font> x <font color="#0000A0">As</font> Long, TempString() <font color="#0000A0">As</font> <font color="#0000A0">String</font>

       <font color="#0000A0">For</font> <font color="#0000A0">Each</font> f <font color="#0000A0">In</font> fso.GetFolder(DirectoryPath).Files
           al.Add f.DateLastModified & "|" & f.Path
       <font color="#0000A0">Next</font>

       <font color="#0000A0">ReDim</font> TempString(0 <font color="#0000A0">To</font> al.Count - 1)
       <font color="#0000A0">For</font> x = 0 <font color="#0000A0">To</font> al.Count - 1
           TempString(x) = Split(al(x), "|")(1)
       <font color="#0000A0">Next</font>

       GetFilesByDateLastModified = TempString
  <font color="#0000A0">End</font> <font color="#0000A0">Function</font>

</FONT></td></tr></table><button onclick='document.all("10152006112133218").value=document.all("10152006112133218").value.replace(/<br \/>\s\s/g,"");document.all("10152006112133218").value=document.all("10152006112133218").value.replace(/<br \/>/g,"");window.clipboardData.setData("Text",document.all("10152006112133218").value);'>Copy to Clipboard</BUTTON><textarea style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden" name="10152006112133218" wrap="virtual">
Sub Example()
Dim MyFiles() As String, x As Integer

MyFiles = GetFilesByDateLastModified("M:\Ltsb_MI\LTSB\Activity\Weekly")

For x = 0 To UBound(MyFiles)
Debug.Print MyFiles(x)

End Sub

'contains references to mscorlib and Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Function GetFilesByDateLastModified(DirectoryPath As String) As String()
Dim al As New mscorlib.ArrayList, fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject, f As Scripting.File
Dim x As Long, TempString() As String

For Each f In fso.GetFolder(DirectoryPath).Files
al.Add f.DateLastModified & "|" & f.Path

ReDim TempString(0 To al.Count - 1)
For x = 0 To al.Count - 1
TempString(x) = Split(al(x), "|")(1)

GetFilesByDateLastModified = TempString
End Function

Opening latest files
Upvote 0
Thank you for your reply. I have copied and come across an error in the mscorlib.arraylist.

I have checked the references to ensure that it is enabled and cannot find it, I am probably being very stupid but can you help here?

Thanks once again
Upvote 0
No. It may not be your fault. I am assuming that you hve the net framework installed. Version 1.1 or higher. Did you download the example and check to see if it compiled?
Upvote 0
I downloaded the file and I can see it in the VB window. I cannot see net framework, if I am not mistaken this can be downloaded from Microsoft the only trouble is that our pcs are more locked down these days than ever.

Is there another way I could tackle this?
Upvote 0
Ok. This is faster anyway. Returns an array of file paths from a given folder, sorted in descending order by the last modified date...

Opening latest files

<table width="100%" border="1" bgcolor="White" style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(endColorstr='#C0CFE2', startColorstr='#FFFFFF', gradientType='0');"><tr><TD><font size="2" face=Courier New>  <font color="#0000A0">Option</font> <font color="#0000A0">Explicit</font>

  <font color="#0000A0">Sub</font> Example()
       <font color="#0000A0">Dim</font> MyFiles() <font color="#0000A0">As</font> String, x <font color="#0000A0">As</font> <font color="#0000A0">Integer</font>

       MyFiles = GetFilesSortedByDateLastModified("C:\")

       <font color="#0000A0">For</font> x = LBound(MyFiles) <font color="#0000A0">To</font> UBound(MyFiles)
           Debug.Print MyFiles(x)
       <font color="#0000A0">Next</font>

  <font color="#0000A0">End</font> <font color="#0000A0">Sub</font>

  <font color="#0000A0">Function</font> GetFilesSortedByDateLastModified(DirectoryPath <font color="#0000A0">As</font> String) <font color="#0000A0">As</font> String()
       <font color="#0000A0">Dim</font> fso <font color="#0000A0">As</font> Object, f <font color="#0000A0">As</font> Object, ff <font color="#0000A0">As</font> <font color="#0000A0">Object</font>
       <font color="#0000A0">Dim</font> x <font color="#0000A0">As</font> Long, Dates() <font color="#0000A0">As</font> Date, Paths() <font color="#0000A0">As</font> <font color="#0000A0">String</font>

       <font color="#0000A0">Set</font> fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
       <font color="#0000A0">Set</font> ff = fso.GetFolder(DirectoryPath).Files
       <font color="#0000A0">ReDim</font> Paths(1 <font color="#0000A0">To</font> ff.Count)
       <font color="#0000A0">ReDim</font> Dates(1 <font color="#0000A0">To</font> ff.Count)

       <font color="#0000A0">For</font> <font color="#0000A0">Each</font> f <font color="#0000A0">In</font> ff
           x = x + 1
           Dates(x) = f.DateLastModified
           Paths(x) = f.Path
       <font color="#0000A0">Next</font>

       <font color="#0000A0">Call</font> BubbleSort(Dates, Paths)
       GetFilesSortedByDateLastModified = Paths
  <font color="#0000A0">End</font> <font color="#0000A0">Function</font>

  <font color="#008000">'modified version of this</font>
  <font color="#008000">'</font>
  <font color="#0000A0">Function</font> BubbleSort(SortByThis, SortAlongSide)
       <font color="#0000A0">Dim</font> Temp(1) <font color="#0000A0">As</font> <font color="#0000A0">Variant</font>
       <font color="#0000A0">Dim</font> i <font color="#0000A0">As</font> <font color="#0000A0">Integer</font>
       <font color="#0000A0">Dim</font> NoExchanges <font color="#0000A0">As</font> <font color="#0000A0">Integer</font>

      <font color="#008000"> ' Loop until no more "exchanges" are made.</font>
       <font color="#0000A0">Do</font>
           NoExchanges = <font color="#0000A0">True</font>

          <font color="#008000"> ' Loop through each element in the array.</font>
           <font color="#0000A0">For</font> i = 1 <font color="#0000A0">To</font> UBound(SortByThis) - 1

              <font color="#008000"> ' If the element is greater than the element</font>
              <font color="#008000"> ' following it, exchange the two elements.</font>
               <font color="#0000A0">If</font> SortByThis(i) < SortByThis(i + 1) <font color="#0000A0">Then</font>
                   NoExchanges = <font color="#0000A0">False</font>
                   Temp(0) = SortByThis(i)
                   Temp(1) = SortAlongSide(i)
                   SortByThis(i) = SortByThis(i + 1)
                   SortAlongSide(i) = SortAlongSide(i + 1)
                   SortByThis(i + 1) = Temp(0)
                   SortAlongSide(i + 1) = Temp(1)
               <font color="#0000A0">End</font> <font color="#0000A0">If</font>
           <font color="#0000A0">Next</font> i
       <font color="#0000A0">Loop</font> <font color="#0000A0">While</font> <font color="#0000A0">Not</font> (NoExchanges)

  <font color="#0000A0">End</font> <font color="#0000A0">Function</font>

</FONT></td></tr></table><button onclick='document.all("10152006173212984").value=document.all("10152006173212984").value.replace(/<br \/>\s\s/g,"");document.all("10152006173212984").value=document.all("10152006173212984").value.replace(/<br \/>/g,"");window.clipboardData.setData("Text",document.all("10152006173212984").value);'>Copy to Clipboard</BUTTON><textarea style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden" name="10152006173212984" wrap="virtual">
Option Explicit

Sub Example()
Dim MyFiles() As String, x As Integer

MyFiles = GetFilesSortedByDateLastModified("C:\")

For x = LBound(MyFiles) To UBound(MyFiles)
Debug.Print MyFiles(x)

End Sub

Function GetFilesSortedByDateLastModified(DirectoryPath As String) As String()
Dim fso As Object, f As Object, ff As Object
Dim x As Long, Dates() As Date, Paths() As String

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ff = fso.GetFolder(DirectoryPath).Files
ReDim Paths(1 To ff.Count)
ReDim Dates(1 To ff.Count)

For Each f In ff
x = x + 1
Dates(x) = f.DateLastModified
Paths(x) = f.Path

Call BubbleSort(Dates, Paths)
GetFilesSortedByDateLastModified = Paths
End Function

'modified version of this
Function BubbleSort(SortByThis, SortAlongSide)
Dim Temp(1) As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim NoExchanges As Integer

' Loop until no more "exchanges" are made.
NoExchanges = True

' Loop through each element in the array.
For i = 1 To UBound(SortByThis) - 1

' If the element is greater than the element
' following it, exchange the two elements.
If SortByThis(i) < SortByThis(i + 1) Then
NoExchanges = False
Temp(0) = SortByThis(i)
Temp(1) = SortAlongSide(i)
SortByThis(i) = SortByThis(i + 1)
SortAlongSide(i) = SortAlongSide(i + 1)
SortByThis(i + 1) = Temp(0)
SortAlongSide(i + 1) = Temp(1)
End If
Next i
Loop While Not (NoExchanges)

End Function

Upvote 0

Thank you for your continued assistance. The code appears to run but I do not get any visual of the results. Can the output be placed into a worksheet column?


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I lost track of this post...

This code will print to column 1

<table width="100%" border="1" bgcolor="White" style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(endColorstr='#C0CFE2', startColorstr='#FFFFFF', gradientType='0');"><tr><TD><font size="2" face=Courier New>  <font color="#0000A0">Sub</font> Example()
       <font color="#0000A0">Dim</font> MyFiles() <font color="#0000A0">As</font> String, x <font color="#0000A0">As</font> <font color="#0000A0">Integer</font>

       MyFiles = GetFilesSortedByDateLastModified("C:\")

       Range("A1:A" & UBound(MyFiles) - 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(MyFiles)

  <font color="#0000A0">End</font> <font color="#0000A0">Sub</font>
</FONT></td></tr></table><button onclick='document.all("10202006224341640").value=document.all("10202006224341640").value.replace(/<br \/>\s\s/g,"");document.all("10202006224341640").value=document.all("10202006224341640").value.replace(/<br \/>/g,"");window.clipboardData.setData("Text",document.all("10202006224341640").value);'>Copy to Clipboard</BUTTON><textarea style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden" name="10202006224341640" wrap="virtual">
Sub Example()
Dim MyFiles() As String, x As Integer

MyFiles = GetFilesSortedByDateLastModified("C:\")

Range("A1:A" & UBound(MyFiles) - 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(MyFiles)

End Sub</textarea>
Upvote 0

Thank you very much for your help, it does post to the files to column A.


Thanks again

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