I need to create a number of grids of regularly-spaced geographical positions.
I've done this many times before using a couple of nested for/next loops (and a GUI to make selecting the parameters easier), but in this case there are a couple of complications.
1) I need to create a large number of grids with different bounds and resolutions (0.0005 to 0.002 degrees)
2) They are eventually going to be merged into a larger grid with a coarser (0.008 degree) resolution, and I don't want any duplicate positions.
The first issue is not much of a problem: it was relatively trivial to make some code to read the parameters from a file and pass them to the main grid-creation code.
The second issue is giving me a lot of trouble. I assumed it could be easily done by dividing a position by the resolution of the course grid, and checking if the result was an integer or not:
where Lat and Lng are the node coordinates for the high-res grid, and V_Lat_Min, V_Long_Min and V_res are the south edge, west edge, and resolution of the low-res grid.
Everything else in my code is working fine, apart for from this bit.
If I manually plug the coincident positions into the equation, it yields TRUE, which should mean the code to write the values to the output file gets skipped, but for some reason that is not happening.
(Example: position 50.456, -2.600 coincides with the main grid, but is still being written to the output file).
Can anyone see what's going wrong?
The full code is below:
I need to create a number of grids of regularly-spaced geographical positions.
I've done this many times before using a couple of nested for/next loops (and a GUI to make selecting the parameters easier), but in this case there are a couple of complications.
1) I need to create a large number of grids with different bounds and resolutions (0.0005 to 0.002 degrees)
2) They are eventually going to be merged into a larger grid with a coarser (0.008 degree) resolution, and I don't want any duplicate positions.
The first issue is not much of a problem: it was relatively trivial to make some code to read the parameters from a file and pass them to the main grid-creation code.
The second issue is giving me a lot of trouble. I assumed it could be easily done by dividing a position by the resolution of the course grid, and checking if the result was an integer or not:
If (Lat - V_Lat_Min) / V_res = Int((Lat - V_Lat_Min) / V_res) And (Lng - V_Long_Min) / V_res = Int((Lng - V_Long_Min) / V_res) Then
' this point coincides with the main grid, so skip it
Print #2, CStr(Lat) & Delimiter & CStr(Lng) & Delimiter & "0"
End If
where Lat and Lng are the node coordinates for the high-res grid, and V_Lat_Min, V_Long_Min and V_res are the south edge, west edge, and resolution of the low-res grid.
Everything else in my code is working fine, apart for from this bit.
If I manually plug the coincident positions into the equation, it yields TRUE, which should mean the code to write the values to the output file gets skipped, but for some reason that is not happening.
(Example: position 50.456, -2.600 coincides with the main grid, but is still being written to the output file).
Can anyone see what's going wrong?
The full code is below:
Option Explicit
' Misc variables
Dim Header As String
' High-res grid parameters
Dim River As String
Dim nLimit As Single, sLimit As Single, eLimit As Single, wLimit As Single, Resolution As Single
Dim Lat As Single, Lng As Single
Dim Delimiter As String
' Low-res grid parameters
Dim V_Lat_Min As Single
Dim V_Lat_Max As Single
Dim V_Long_Min As Single
Dim V_Long_Max As Single
Dim V_res As Single
Private Sub cmdCreate_Click()
' Open file for output
If Right$(txtPath, 1) <> "\" Then txtPath = txtPath + "\"
Open txtPath + txtDatumList For Input As #1
' Output delimiter
If optTab = True Then
Delimiter = Chr(9)
ElseIf optSpace = True Then
Delimiter = " "
ElseIf optComma = True Then
Delimiter = ","
Delimiter = txtDelimiter
End If
' Low-res grid parameters
V_Lat_Max = 63.904 ' North limit of main grid
V_Lat_Min = 46.8 ' South limit of main grid
V_Long_Min = -25 ' West limit of main grid
V_Long_Max = 3.504 ' East limit of main grid
V_res = 0.008 ' Main grid resolution
' Get past parameter file header
Line Input #1, Header
' Work through parameter file
Do Until EOF(1)
' Input high-res grid parameters
Input #1, River, sLimit, nLimit, wLimit, eLimit, Resolution
Open txtPath & River & "_" & CStr(Resolution) & ".xyz" For Output As #2
' loop to output positions
For Lat = sLimit To nLimit Step Resolution
For Lng = wLimit To eLimit Step Resolution
' Stop floating point errors getting into the positions
Lat = Round(Lat, 4)
Lng = Round(Lng, 4)
' Check if high-res grid node co-incides with main grid node
If (Lat - V_Lat_Min) / V_res = Int((Lat - V_Lat_Min) / V_res) And (Lng - V_Long_Min) / V_res = Int((Lng - V_Long_Min) / V_res) Then
' this point coincides with the main grid, so skip it
'Print #2, Format(Lat, "00.0000") & Delimiter & Format(Lng, "000.0000") & Delimiter & "0"
Print #2, CStr(Lat) & Delimiter & CStr(Lng) & Delimiter & "0"
End If
Close #2
' Final feedback
MsgBox ("Output complete")
End Sub