I'm taking a course on VBA and have tried out the following code for the 'find' function, ie to find and replace occurrences of 'dog' with 'dog found'
I'm getting an error message about 'overflow' but I believe this relates to "assignment, calculation, or data type conversion is too large to be represented within the range of values allowed for that type of variable." But I'm just trying to 'find' dog - that's only 3 letters so this error message must relate to another part of the code.
Anyway, here it is - can anyone offer a reason for the error? Als, I've removed the 'matchcase:=matchcase' which occurred after SearchDirection:=xlNext because that also resulted in an error message 'variable not defined':
Sub macro1()
Dim result As Range
Dim searchterm As String
searchterm = "dog"
With ActiveSheet.Cells
Set result = .find(What:=searchterm, After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
'change value so it won't find cell again
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & " ##found##"
Set result = .FindNext(result)
End With
Loop Until result Is Nothing
End Sub
I'm taking a course on VBA and have tried out the following code for the 'find' function, ie to find and replace occurrences of 'dog' with 'dog found'
I'm getting an error message about 'overflow' but I believe this relates to "assignment, calculation, or data type conversion is too large to be represented within the range of values allowed for that type of variable." But I'm just trying to 'find' dog - that's only 3 letters so this error message must relate to another part of the code.
Anyway, here it is - can anyone offer a reason for the error? Als, I've removed the 'matchcase:=matchcase' which occurred after SearchDirection:=xlNext because that also resulted in an error message 'variable not defined':
Sub macro1()
Dim result As Range
Dim searchterm As String
searchterm = "dog"
With ActiveSheet.Cells
Set result = .find(What:=searchterm, After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
'change value so it won't find cell again
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & " ##found##"
Set result = .FindNext(result)
End With
Loop Until result Is Nothing
End Sub