PageSetups not carried over when saving file as PDF


Board Regular
Mar 30, 2010
Hoping someone can assist. I want to select all worksheets within my workbook and save worksheets into 1 PDF file. I have found some VBA code online (see below) which does this, but unfortunately the PDF file does not have the Page Setups I had previously applied within each worksheet. Each worksheet has Page Setup to have orientation of Landscape and FitToPagesWide / FitToPagesTall to = 1.

Any idea why PageSetups don't come across when saving to PDF ? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Private Sub Save_File_to_PDF()
 '---- Create a dynamic array which will house all the worksheet names in the workbook to be saved to PDF file
     Dim myArray() As Variant
     Dim i As Integer
     For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
         ReDim Preserve myArray(i - 1)
         myArray(i - 1) = i
     Next i
 '--- select all the worksheets within the array so can save to 1 PDF file
     Sheets(myArray).Select    '---- this command seems to reset the PageSetting back to the defaults for some reason???:confused:

    '--- save file ---
      ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
      Filename:="C:\Assets.PDF" , _
      Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
      IncludeDocProperties:=False, _
      IgnorePrintAreas:=True, _
 End Sub

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