Paste Values Help


Board Regular
Jun 13, 2009
Just need some minor tweaks to this macro
1) Would also like to paste format
2) Would like to include when macro was run and author in f2 and f3

Sub Retention()

Range("'Finance View Summary'!D10:BN34").Copy
Sheets("Retention").Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

End Sub

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does this work?

Sub Retention()
Dim UserID As String
UserID = Environ("USERNAME")
Range("'Finance View Summary'!D10:BN34").Copy
Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Range("F2") = Date
Range("E2") = UserID
End Sub
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1) I would like Range("F2") = Date Range("E2") = UserID to be moving each time the macro is exec so it stays with the area

2) Just need to paste the formatting as well

Then all done
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so where in relation to the copy/paste data would it go? It can't go into row 10 since there will be data there? It would seem like the only place would be in columns a-c
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so where in relation to the copy/paste data would it go? It can't go into row 10 since there will be data there? It would seem like the only place would be in columns a-c

G10:BM16 are all empty, no data is there, just black cells. So it could go there.

So G11, G12 would be ideal
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G10:BM16 are all empty, no data is there, just black cells. So it could go there.

So G11, G12 would be ideal

your macro shows
D10:BN34 area being copied, then you paste into start column A, therefore G11 & G12 will be copied over. Or am I missing something?
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your macro shows
D10:BN34 area being copied, then you paste into start column A, therefore G11 & G12 will be copied over. Or am I missing something?

thats exactly correct. All that needs to happen is have the date/author stamp to be added after cells have been copied over starting in col a.

The cells i mention have no data so pasting over is fine.
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not sure I fully understand - is this what you need?

Sub Retention()

Dim UserID As String
UserID = Environ("USERNAME")
Range("'Finance View Summary'!D10:BN34").Copy
RCell = Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Row
Cells(RCell, "A").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Cells(RCell, "G") = Date
Cells(RCell, "F") = UserID
End Sub
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