Pasting a selection 5 columns to the left


Board Regular
Oct 2, 2016
Hello All,

I am using Find & Select to Find a specific text string (e.g. "Home") in a column with 16000 rows.
Once the selection is found I Select all and copy the selection using Ctrl+C.
*I do this without using vba.

What I want to do is to paste that selection as it is, within the same rows to a column 5 rows to the left. For instance pasting row 100:120,200:202 ect in Column F to row 100:120,200:202 ect in Column A.
Using vba.

My code does not yield the desired result.
Selection.Offset(0, -2).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
        :=True, Transpose:=False
Can someone please assist me in this endeavour?

Friendly Regards

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Selection.Offset(0, [B][COLOR=#FF0000]-2[/COLOR][/B]).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
        :=True, Transpose:=False

Minus two?
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Thank you, I changed the offset to -5.

Selection.Offset(0, [B]-5[/B]).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
        :=True, Transpose:=False

It still does not work.

I tried a variation of the code:
Selection.Offset(0, -5).Select


This also did not work.
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Try this:
    If Selection.Column > 5 Then Selection.Offset(0, -5).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
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Try this:
    If Selection.Column > 5 Then Selection.Offset(0, -5).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
Why not just this single line of code in place of the three lines of code that you proposed...

If Selection.Column > 5 Then Selection.Offset(, -5).Value = Selection.Value
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I tried it and it did not work. Thank you.

All the codes I have tried so far, selects the rows 5 columns to the left (which I want the code to do)...

But critically it does not paste the selection: I constantly get the error '1004' whereby <i>"That command cannot be used on multiple selections"</i>.

How do I tell excel to paste the multiple selections?
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I tried it and it did not work. Thank you.

All the codes I have tried so far, selects the rows 5 columns to the left (which I want the code to do)...

But critically it does not paste the selection: I constantly get the error '1004' whereby <i>"That command cannot be used on multiple selections"</i>.

How do I tell excel to paste the multiple selections?
Ah, now I see where you said "Once the selection is found I Select all..." meaning you have non-contiguous ranges in your selection. Give this a try...
Sub CopyLeftFiveColumns()
  Dim Ar As Range
  For Each Ar In Selection.Areas
    If Ar.Column >= [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]2[/COLOR][/B] Then Ar.Offset(, -[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]2[/COLOR][/B].Value = Ar.Value
End Sub

Edit Note: I change the 5 originally posted, and which you originally asked for, to 2 as your last post indicated you actually wanted.
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Why not just this single line of code in place of the three lines of code that you proposed...

If Selection.Column > 5 Then Selection.Offset(, -5).Value = Selection.Value

I tried:
If Selection.Column > 5 Then Selection.Offset(, -5).Value = Selection.Value

It did the trick.

One more question: Will the code work if I paste from outside a table into a table?

Thanks for all the contributions and know how.

Friendly Regards
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I tried:
If Selection.Column > 2 Then Selection.Offset(, -2).Value = Selection.Value

It did the trick.

One more question: Will the code work if I paste from outside a table into a table?

Thanks for all the contributions and know how.
No, it did not work correctly because is was not designed to handle non-contiguous ranges (look at the second and beyond sub-ranges... you will see they are not correct). See Message #7 for code that will work.
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