I agree that the horizontal nature of the 15 indexes in your current data set makes it hard to filter your PivotTable by a single index.
Here are a couple of approaches you might take in laying out your PivotTable . The best fit for you will depend on the kinds of analysis you want to do.
1. The layout that would be most compatible with the way your data is currently organized would be to have:
- Row Labels: Year, Month
- Summarize Values: Average of Detroit, Average of Chicago, etc....
Option A: You could have a column/field for each of 15 Cities displayed and just read the Index you want.
Option B: You could use the PivotTable Field List to toggle On just the City that you want to see.
2. You could reorganize your data into a 5 column format: Columns A,B,C remain as Year, Month, Date.
Use Column D for City and Column E for Value.
Your table size will go from its current 18 Column by ~4000 Rows to 5 Columns by ~60,000 Rows. Now you can layout your PT with:
- Row Labels: Year, Month, City
- Summarize Values: Average of Values
This would allow to filter by Rows as you were previously trying to do. You could also see averages of groups of Cities instead of just single Cities.
The first approach is best if you want to compare the Cities against one another for selected time periods.
The second approach is best if you want to easily select, Year, Month, City and show only one City at a time as you described in your original post.