a. In column E on the Leave Data worksheet, enter a formula using nested IF and<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
AND function to determine the number of vacation days based on the vacation<o></o>
rules below. Use Column Names in the formula.<o></o>
b. 15 days for full-time employees who have worked 5 or more years<o></o>
c. 10 days for full-time employees who have worked 3 - 4 years<o></o>
d. 5 days for full-time employees who have worked 1 - 2 years<o></o>
e. 0 days for everyone else<o></o>
2. Calculate the remaining vacation time in column G using Column Names.<o></o>
3. Name the table on the Tables worksheet Family. In column H develop a VLOOKUP to<o></o>
determine each employee’s family leave based on their status. Be sure you use the table<o></o>
name you defined in the VLOOKUP function.<o></o>
4. In column J calculate the Remaining Family Leave using column names.<o></o>
5. On the Leave Summary worksheet use COUNTIF and/or SUMIF to calculate the table.<o></o>