Prime Numbers


New Member
Aug 16, 2007
Hi there:

Do you think any of you could help me to make this UDF so when a 0 (zero) or 1 (one) is inputted it retrieves an "X" or any other character as the output? (since 0 and 1 are not prime nor composite numbers).

Well here is the UDF i want to be adapted.

Function prime(num) 
    Dim j, k, remain As Integer 
    j = Int(num) 
    If j <> num Then 
      prime = "NonInt" 
      Exit Function 
    End If 
    j = Sqr(num) 
    For k = 2 To j 
     remain = num Mod k 
     If remain = 0 Then 
        prime = "NonPrime" 
        Exit Function 
     End If 
    Next k 
    prime = "Prime" 
End Function

Thanks a lot in advance! :biggrin:

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Function prime(num)
    Dim j, k, remain As Integer
    j = Int(num)
    If j <= 1 Then
        prime = "X"
        Exit Function
    End If
    If j <> num Then
      prime = "NonInt"
      Exit Function
    End If
    j = Sqr(num)
    For k = 2 To j
     remain = num Mod k
     If remain = 0 Then
        prime = "NonPrime"
        Exit Function
     End If
    Next k
    prime = "Prime"
End Function
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Function prime(num)
    Dim j, k, remain As Integer
    j = Int(num)
    If j <= 1 Then
        prime = "X"
        Exit Function
    End If
    If j <> num Then
      prime = "NonInt"
      Exit Function
    End If
    j = Sqr(num)
    For k = 2 To j
     remain = num Mod k
     If remain = 0 Then
        prime = "NonPrime"
        Exit Function
     End If
    Next k
    prime = "Prime"
End Function

Hey A.P. thanks for the adaptation of the code!

I already had tried adding that one more If statement for j<=1 then "X", but somehow it won't work; instead of retrive the X or the words Prime and Nonprime it retrieves a #NAME? error... Anyhow i already fixed it implementing and IF statement but within the Exel formula and it works great!

Cheers! (y)
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Hey A.P. thanks for the adaptation of the code!

I already had tried adding that one more If statement for j<=1 then "X", but somehow it won't work; instead of retrive the X or the words Prime and Nonprime it retrieves a #NAME? error... Anyhow i already fixed it implementing and IF statement but within the Exel formula and it works great!

Cheers! (y)

The function worked when I tried it. It certainly didn't give me a #NAME? error.
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Yuu are absolutely right Andrew, i just checked again using your adapted code and it works fine. At the begining when i copied and paste the formula through a range of cells the first 200 numbers was marked with an "X" but then they got the right output, some times i have a lot of windows and programs opened at the same time so that consume a lot of CPU and memory resource and makes Excel calculations slow, i think that was that made excel retrieve the error message...

Anyway, it's good all works ok now. Thanks again for your help.
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You already have a solution to your specific problem but a few pointers...

j is not declared as an integer. It is a variant.

You can skip the test for num being an integer by declaring it as such.

You should test that num is positive but I guess it is covered by the new <=1 test.

You can skip 1/2 of the loops. Outside the loop test for Num Mod 2 =0. If not, then the loop should be from 3 to sqr(num) step 2. This is because once you've tested for divisibility by 2 you can safely skip testing all multiples of 2.
Hi there:

Do you think any of you could help me to make this UDF so when a 0 (zero) or 1 (one) is inputted it retrieves an "X" or any other character as the output? (since 0 and 1 are not prime nor composite numbers).

Well here is the UDF i want to be adapted.

Function prime(num) 
    Dim j, k, remain As Integer 
    j = Int(num) 
    If j <> num Then 
      prime = "NonInt" 
      Exit Function 
    End If 
    j = Sqr(num) 
    For k = 2 To j 
     remain = num Mod k 
     If remain = 0 Then 
        prime = "NonPrime" 
        Exit Function 
     End If 
    Next k 
    prime = "Prime" 
End Function

Thanks a lot in advance! :biggrin:
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You already have a solution to your specific problem but a few pointers...

j is not declared as an integer. It is a variant.

You can skip the test for num being an integer by declaring it as such.

You should test that num is positive but I guess it is covered by the new <=1 test.

You can skip 1/2 of the loops. Outside the loop test for Num Mod 2 =0. If not, then the loop should be from 3 to sqr(num) step 2. This is because once you've tested for divisibility by 2 you can safely skip testing all multiples of 2.

Hi @tusharm:

I understan what you mean above and i agree. I tried to modify the code as you suggested but, as i'm less than a beginner with VBA, i probably just did the mess with the code!, lol. which certainly i did! :oops:

This are the change i did to the original code:

Function prime(num)
    Dim j, k, remain As Integer
    j = Int(num)
    If j <= 1 Then
        prime = "X"
        Exit Function
    End If
      Exit Function
    j = Sqr(num)
    For k = 3 To j
     remain = num Mod k
     If remain = 0 Then
        prime = "NonPrime"
        Exit Function
     End If
    Next k
    prime = "Prime"
End Function

So now i only get 0 (zeros) in the output! :eek: .

But i know you know how to do it right! :LOL:
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A great resource to use is the google archive of the Excel newsgroups ( I searched it on your behalf and found a discussion that contained a function by Vasant Nanavati who got it right after a few attempts, a suggested improvement by Jerry Lewis that showed how to speed up the function by skipping checks for multiples of 2, 3, and even 5, and a non-VBA solution by Harlan Grove. See

In another discussion at Frank Kabel points to a page dedicated to prime numbers and a list of the first 1000 prime numbers, which I presume one could load into a VBA collection and then test primality (is there such a word?) with one check!
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Ok, thanks for the links, i'll have a look...

For now the issue i had with the prime numbers is fixed, (it was a cookie to crack), but i'll be back later with a real challange for any of the Excel MVP and high advanced users who want accept the challenge :LOL:. As a hint the problem i'm dealing with have to do with the Vlookup and/or match/index functions, in other words i need to invoice/retrieve values from a main table to several secondary tables located in other spreadshhets and workbooks...

Alright, so for now is all and thanks one more time to A.P. and T.M. for your help.

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